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This sudoku is intended to be the first in an April Fool’s series, hence the early publication date.
Rules: Standard 6x6 sudoku rules apply. Usual sudoku variant rules apply for the following variants: negative diagonal, sandwich sums, killer cages, maximum, minimum, even numbers, little killers, grey palindrome lines, purple renban lines, green German whisper lines, red column indexers, thermometers, V-sums (not all shown) and black kropki dots (ditto). If you’re familiar with all of those, you can stop reading, there are no “hidden tricks” in the rules.
Negative diagonal: digits cannot repeat along the negative diagonal (marked in blue).
Sandwich sums: Values outside the grid indicate the sum of the digits between 1 and 6 in that row or column. (Applies to values without an arrow)
Killer cages: Digits in cages must sum to the number in the top-left corner and cannot repeat.
Maximum: Numbers surrounded by “> signs” are greater than all orthogonally adjacent cells.
Minimum: Numbers surrounded by “< signs” are smaller than all orthogonally adjacent cells.
Even: Cells with grey squares must contain even digits.
Little killers: Digits along diagonals marked with an arrow sum to the number indicated.
Palindromes: Digits on a grey palindrome line read the same forwards and backwards
Renban lines: Digits on a purple renban line form a non-repeating set of consecutive digits in any order.
German whisper lines: Digits in a green German whisper line must have a difference of at least 5.
Red column indexers: A cell marked in red in column X indicates the number of the column where the digit X appears in the row where the red cell is placed.
Thermometers: Numbers on a thermometer strictly increase as they move away from the bulb.
V-sums: Cells joined by a V must sum to 5.
Black Kropki dots: Digits in cells joined by a black dot must have a ratio of 2:1.
Solution code: Rows 1 and 2 (12 digits, no spaces).
on 9. February 2025, 17:20 by crhodgkin
What a fun puzzle! I think I found this especially funny (and relatable), as I too tend to over-complicate things that are actually quite simple. :)
Reply by Lorena: I love that reading of the puzzle, thank you for sharing!
on 8. February 2025, 00:59 by Ratfinkz
Well, I can see why people loved this so much! Brilliant puzzle that made me chuckle several times!
Reply by Lorena: Yay! Mission accomplished! Thanks for the lovely comment.
on 30. January 2025, 23:18 by treb
Lovely. I don't know why the rating isn't higher. Purists, I suppose.
Reply by Lorena: That’s very nice of you to say. Dont worry, if I cared about ratings I certainly wouldn’t do the things I do!
on 30. January 2025, 15:30 by mau
haha! this is beautiful.
Reply by Lorena: Thank you, so are you!
on 30. January 2025, 04:21 by PersonWhoExists50306
That palindrome doubles as a region sum
Reply by Lorena: Guess I need to do a part 2 now!
on 30. January 2025, 03:43 by PhoenixAki
Enjoyed the visual humor, spent almost more time looking at the redundancies than applying actual logic lol
Reply by Lorena: Redundancies? What redundancies?
on 30. January 2025, 00:16 by dzamie
The thing about redundancy is that it's all about doing superfluous things in an unnecessary way that's generally optional.
Reply by Lorena: You can say that twice!
on 29. January 2025, 09:48 by ghaia
Gotta love the visual horror of this puzzle and its rules, you absolutely jumpscared me with this one. One star difficulty but really fun puzzle!
Reply by Lorena: Mission accomplished! Thank you for your nice comment.
on 27. January 2025, 23:44 by cwk
Wow, so many clues, where do I start…oh…
Reply by Lorena: You captured it perfectly.
on 27. January 2025, 02:54 by PinkNickels
1:32 fun speed run
Reply by Lorena: it took me longer to solve! Thanks for your comment.
on 27. January 2025, 00:53 by Fool on Hill
Ridiculous fun - looking forward to the sequels.
Reply by Lorena: Glad you enjoyed it! One of the sequels has already been qualified as “cruel” so consider yourself warned.
on 26. January 2025, 13:00 by Toomas_
Hilarious puzzle! Thanks very much for setting it :D
Reply by Lorena: I’m only new at this and comments like yours warm my heart. Thank you.
on 26. January 2025, 10:44 by Joely
"Chocolate Teapot", I just knew this puzzle would have a you know what in the corner.
Reply by Lorena: I just had to.
on 26. January 2025, 10:18 by gbrljt
What does redundancy mean again?
Reply by Lorena: Being no longer in employment because there is no more work available? Just kidding, I also hate it when people are redundant and say things twice.
on 26. January 2025, 10:10 by VitP
occam's bludgeon: always pluralize if possible
Reply by Lorena: You mean occam’s bludgeons?
on 26. January 2025, 10:03 by Myxo
Great :D
Reply by Lorena:
I’m honored!
on 26. January 2025, 09:12 by Killer-Ly
What a fun! My fastest sudoku ever (3 min.) and I guess I never before had to laugh out loud while solving a sudoku. I especially love the long ruleset.
Thank you for brighten up my day!
Reply by Lorena: Aw what a lovely comment, thank you! Writing the rules felt like writing an encyclopedia!
on 26. January 2025, 07:39 by Playmaker6174
Reply by Lorena:
This space intentionally(?) left blank.
on 26. January 2025, 07:15 by larmoejr
Fun puzzle?
Reply by Lorena: I tried?
on 26. January 2025, 07:03 by SanFranSam
FInally! One that was easy even for me. Done in less than 7 minutes. Never checked for errors along the way. Whoo-hoo! ;)
Reply by Lorena: Thank you for commenting! The next one won’t be as easy mwahahaha.
on 26. January 2025, 06:43 by Tank
Loved it, my favorite clues were the sandwich totals
Reply by Lorena: There’s something for everyone! Thank you for the solve and your kind comment.
on 26. January 2025, 04:26 by therealsillypenguin
Not sure why but out of all of them, the index cell made me lol the most. Can't wait for the next installment!
Reply by Lorena: That’s my favorite too, I think because it isn’t as immediately obvious as the others. Thank you for your comment, I’ll make sure to keep you posted!
New reply by Lorena: The next one is up, but it’s… let’s just say it’s not like this one at all.
on 26. January 2025, 02:23 by MattYDdraig
Beautifully silly!
Reply by Lorena: No, you!
on 26. January 2025, 02:05 by Gnubeutel
Funny little thing. This was a good way to finish my day. The given digits in row 4 were not even necessary. But maybe that would have gone against the theme.
Reply by Lorena: Thank you for your lovely words! I’d say those digits were about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
on 26. January 2025, 01:50 by Paquet Voleur
Looking forward to the follow-ups of this funny puzzle!
Reply by Lorena: Thank you, I’ll keep you posted!
New reply by Lorena: The next one is up, but it’s… let’s just say it’s not like this one at all.