Normal sudoku rules apply: Place the digits 1-9 in each cell so that no digit repeats in a row, column, or box.
Killer cages: Digits in a killer cage must sum to the number in the given cage.
Kropki: Digits separated by a black dot have a 1:2 ratio (one is double the other).
Positive diagonal: Digits along the positive diagonal indicated by the blue line cannot repeat.
Thermometer: Digits along a thermometer increase from the round end.
Arrow: Digits along an arrow sum to the digits in the circle of that arrow.
Dynamic fog: Placing a digit in a cell will reveal exactly 1 more cell. For the best experience, only place digits in the cell with no fog.
Solution code: box 7 in reading order. (left to right, top to bottom)
on 26. January 2025, 16:44 by NotSoMagnifique
Others have made the point about the overlapping arrows, so I won't harp on it - the solve itself was lovely.
on 26. January 2025, 12:37 by samuelsamjo
Be careful with allowing arrows to overlap. because that will have to be considered for every deduction
on 25. January 2025, 18:40 by Gnubeutel
Great first puzzle. But reading overlapping hints is always a problem. You should consider using different colors for the arrows.
on 25. January 2025, 11:03 by YuxuanRen
Very interesting puzzle! Thanks!
on 25. January 2025, 08:27 by Mozart40
Felt more like paint by numbers than Sudoku.
on 25. January 2025, 02:29 by Willkimo
Good job on your first puzzle! Thank you
on 24. January 2025, 23:27 by fishsaltyak
I think the puzzle is good. I'm not a fan of the recommendation to follow what the fog reveals, and I may have accidentally skipped that recommendation a few times, but I ran into a spot in the puzzle where the revealed square couldn't be determined. Solving another square allowed for completion.
on 24. January 2025, 17:52 by Lorena
Really impressive for a first puzzle, I’m looking forward to solving more of yours. Personally I would have preferred less hand-holding with the fog reveals, but otherwise well done!
on 24. January 2025, 17:41 by jobs2554
Made the arrows thicker and the bulbs smaller
to make the path of the arrows more visible.
on 24. January 2025, 17:09 by PinkNickels
The mechanics of the puzzle were really clean, but it was rather hard to make out the arrows, especially with the positive diagonal line. Nice puzzle.
on 24. January 2025, 16:55 by jobs2554
This is my first puzzle btw.