Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Cold Compress

(Published on 22. January 2025, 11:00 by ThePedallingPianist)

This is my response to Scojo's setting prompt this week: thermometers. Enjoy!

Play on SudokuPad

- Place a digit from 1-9 in every cell;
- There are nine 3x3 boxes, which overlap at dashed lines;
- A digit may not repeat in a row, column or box.

- Digits along a thermometer must increase from the bulb end.

Solution code: Row 1 (top), left to right

Last changed on -

Solved by Tyrgannus, tuturitu, Gramor, IcyFruit, Joyofrandomness, SKORP17, Linnce, mutex, Sotehr, gdc, mjoyce78, paranoid, giladooshlon, mercierus, dipiz, jarsp, y00j1n, Scojo, aqjhs, ralphwaldo1, gUBBLOR, AKernel, Jasura, Fisherman, kingoffries, greyhathero, juhish, Krisonium, gxorgx, karlmortenlunna
Full list


on 28. January 2025, 19:35 by greyhathero
Got to color the whole grid, then just so the digits. Loved it

on 27. January 2025, 13:56 by Fisherman
With this excellent puzzle, we now see the maturity of the software component of this border sharing genre. We are all grateful for this breakthrough.

on 25. January 2025, 07:04 by jarsp
Very cool puzzle, thanks for this!

on 22. January 2025, 12:01 by Tyrgannus
Never done a compress puzzle, interesting implications

Rating:95 %
Solved:30 times
Observed:3 times

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