Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 19. January 2025, 11:20 by trapandwrap)

Normal 6x6 Sudoku rules.

Draw a path from the pet (P) to his mistress (M) that travels between orthogonally adjacent cells and enters every cell in the grid once.

Along the path, the pet first collects a collar (chain emoji) and then a lock (lock emoji), IN THAT ORDER, before ending his journey in his mistress's cell.

Adjoining digits along the path are never consecutive and are never in a 2:1 ratio. The digit in the mistress's cell is exactly twice the digit in her pet's cell. The digit in the lock cell is exactly twice the digit in the collar cell.

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Solution code: Every 5th Digit along the path, starting with Pet and ending with Mistress (8 digits)

Solved by mnasti2, Leonard Hal, Sotehr, lmdemasi, aqjhs, roflsalot
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on 19. January 2025, 16:45 by Lorena
Love it when hobbies overlap.

Solved:6 times
Observed:3 times

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