Operation Pairrow
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Normal sudoku rules apply.
Each circled cell with two arrows contains a digit N, and points to two cells N steps away in the indicated directions. The value of N is equal to one of the four basic mathematical operations acting on the two referenced cells.
One circle has its operation given, the rest must be deduced.
No two circles with a direct line of sight between them (horizontally or vertically) can have the same operation.
Line of sight is blocked by other circles.
A key has been provided next to the grid for potential note taking.
Note that it's possible for a circle to have more than one valid operation when filled in.
Solution code: Row 6
on 16. January 2025, 10:42 by Calump
Corrected wrong solution code
on 16. January 2025, 04:28 by zhangjinyang
It's very nice, but the solution code is not row 7, I tried for a long time, the result is row 6
on 16. January 2025, 04:27 by rictech
The solution code should say “Row 6”. Fun puzzle!