Sometimes a constraint is beautiful both visually and logically, and a skyscraper line fits that perfectly! I plan to make more use of them in the future.
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Skyscraper Lines - A digit on a diamond indicates the number of visible skyscrapers along its line (not including itself) from that digit's direction of view - digits may repeat along the line if allowed by other rules. Example: If there is a diamond with a value of 4, a legal string could be 2356236, since the first 6 hides everything behind it on the line, including the next 6.
- Dutch Whispers - each digit on an orange Dutch Whisper line must differ in value by at least 4 from its neighbor on the line.
- XV sums - digits separated by a V sum to 5; digits separated by an X sum to 10. No negative constraint.
- Ratio Kropki dots - digits separated by a black Kropki dot have a value ratio of 1:2. No negative constraint.
Solution code: Row 4 digits, left to right
on 30. January 2025, 18:23 by StefanSch
The upper left (or alternatively the lower left) skyscraper line is redundant.
on 20. January 2025, 01:23 by sujoyku
I am usually not a fan of skyscraper clues, but this was fun. Thank you for setting and sharing, NotSoMagnifique!
>>>NSM here - your patronage is always appreciated.
on 19. January 2025, 17:57 by r0the
>>>NSM here - thank you! This one had had a limited response so I didn't know if people were actually enjoying it.
Maybe the skyscraper lines are a bit intimidating. First I looked at them quite a while for a break-in. Once I noticed the actual start (which is wonderful, btw.), the solving had a very nice flow and the skyscapers joined in quite naturally.
on 15. January 2025, 05:21 by timotab
Super fun and elegant puzzle!