CHIPS Sudoku Level 1
CHIPS Sudoku Level 2
Normal sudoku rules apply.
Cells joined by an X sum to 10. Cells joined by a white dot, digits are consecutive. Not all Xs and dots are given.
Given digits represent the starting level and ending portal level.
Box borders divide the blue water (region sum) line into segments whose values have the same sum.
Digits on the pink ice (renban) line are a set of consecutive numbers.
Two cells connected by the orange fire (parity - odd/even) line must contain an even and odd digit.
Two cells connected by the green slime (german whisper) line must have a difference of at least 5.
Shoes/skates (coloured diamonds) are a set of ordered consecutive numbers - ordered from low to high as per the following shoe order Blue Water, Pink Ice, Orange Fire and Green Suction.
A coloured shoe has the same digit as a Chip (large grey rectangle) on the same coloured line. For example the green shoe has the same digit as the Chip on the green line.
One of the Chip digits is the same number as the socket below the level 4 portal.
Solve with SudokuPad
Grey square walls divide the grid into a room that has white square floor tiles.
The Blue line circuit represents water.
The Pink line circuit represents ice.
The Orange line circuit represents fire.
The Green line circuit represents slime.
Shoes/skates (coloured diamonds) are used to walk on lines to get the next shoes to walk on the next line. Use blue water shoes to get the pink ice skates on the blue water line. Use pink ice skates to get the orange fire shoes on the pink ice line. Use the orange fire shoes to get the green sunction shoes on the orange fire line. Use the green sunction shoes on the green slime line to get to the portal.
Chips are grey larger rectangles on the coloured lines on the white floor tiles. The Chip on a coloured line is associated with the shoes of the same colour.
A large socket protects the level 4 portal at the top centre of the grid. A special chip in the socket opens the portal.
Hope you enjoy it. Feel free to give feedback.
Solution code: Row 1 digits