Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Christmas Cracker

(Published on 11. January 2025, 04:45 by NotSoMagnifique)

For the 2024 CTC Secret Santa, I was assigned to RockyRoer. I created three puzzles so that I could stretch my skills a little more and give Rocky a worthy Christmas gift. I hope everyone had a beautiful holiday and a splendid New Year!


- Normal sudoku rules apply.

- Gray circles - the gray circle contains an odd digit.

- German Whispers - digits along a green German Whisper line must differ in value from their neighbors on the line by at least 5.

- Modular lines - each set of three digits along a red modular line must have include 1 digit from [1,4,7], 1 digit from [2,5,8], and one digit from [3,6,9].

- Numbered Rooms - clues outside the grid indicate the digit which has to be placed in the Nth cell in the corresponding direction, where N is the digit placed in the first cell in that direction. Example: If 2 is the outside clue on the left of R1C1 is 8, then 2 must be placed in R1C8.

- XV sums - digits separated by an X sum to 10; digits separated by a V sum to 5. No negative constraint.

- Kropki dots - digits separated by a white Kropki dot differ in value by 1. No negative constraint.

Sudokupad link.

Solution code: Positive diagonal digits (from R9C1 to R1C9)

Last changed on on 11. January 2025, 05:51

Solved by rainingfish, jalebc, Rearden, TVDK, Bconner5, LehanLehan, gonzalez87, asdfg, unlogical, metacom, cbjenkins, abenormal, hige, Mozart40, Wyrdsister, moHa, sujoyku, geronimo92, marcmees, NEWS, MarthaB, ... drifting, mmhhhh, tgstar, dingledork, abadx, pepe74287, imagle, MontanaPearl, Supertaster, teuthida, r0the, Topalai, Vaurien, Lovejoy , anmnr, Chlorophyll, dgphoto, moss, TroublesomeOrca, CSStead
Full list


on 12. January 2025, 15:29 by the_fow_fow
Nice puzzle, thank you.

on 11. January 2025, 11:25 by sujoyku
Lovely puzzle!

on 11. January 2025, 05:51 by NotSoMagnifique
Corrected solution code description

Last changed on 11. January 2025, 05:32

on 11. January 2025, 05:30 by jalebc

>>>NSM here - the solution code is the digits along the positive diagonal, reading from left to right.

Rating:89 %
Solved:112 times
Observed:3 times

Standard puzzle English knowledge

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