Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Pisa Cake

(Published on 10. January 2025, 00:35 by ThePedallingPianist)

Play on SudokuPad

Try an easier practice puzzle first - Proof of Constept - which showcases Leandoku, using X Sums instead of Skyscrapers.

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Rules for Pisa Cake:

- Fill every cell with a digit from 1-6;
- Digits do not repeat in a row, column, or "slanted box" (i.e. bold outlined region).

- A digit on a piece of cake shows how many pieces of cake contain that digit.

SKYSCRAPERS (or "Leaning Towers"!):
- A cake outside the grid is a Skyscraper clue that contains a digit showing how many digits are "seen" from that clue, where a digit is "seen" if it is greater than all other digits between itself and the clue;
- Clues apply separately in both orthogonal directions in which they see into the grid;
- For example, a clue of 4 in the North West area of the grid would "see" 4 digits to its East AND 4 digits to its South.

Solution code: The bottom row of Pisa Cake (6 digits)

Last changed on on 10. January 2025, 02:35

Solved by Sherlang, Nell Gwyn, Sotehr, jwsinclair, giladooshlon, cbjenkins, lmdemasi, EFlatMinor, marty_sears, Default, SKORP17, marcmees, nordloc, TJ , Franjo, ViKingPrime, Gnubeutel, dipiz, arctan, Zeddecks, Shmartus, konjecture, jonathanwolff, piyush, miranda_9, sweetramona, StefanSch, rich_27
Full list


on 10. January 2025, 22:22 by ViKingPrime
As with all cake, you must consume this carefully - without diving in face first - lest you end up making a mess.

on 10. January 2025, 12:36 by marty_sears
mmmm tasty! tricky little one this, but very enjoyable. this geometry definitely needs more exploring

on 10. January 2025, 04:39 by jwsinclair
Very tasty :)

Rating:83 %
Solved:28 times
Observed:3 times

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