Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

a changed man

(Published on 12. February 2025, 03:45 by aqjhs)

I made this puzzle following a spontaneous prompt from roflsalot about the antiknight constraint and dutch whisper lines in a full rank puzzle.

Inspired by The Book Wyrm's Prestige.

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Cells one chess knights move apart may not contain the same digit.
  • Adjacent cells along the orange loop must have digits with a difference of at least 4.
  • The value of a cell on the orange loop with a digit D is equal to the digit D steps clockwise along the loop (direction indicated by arrows). The value of a cell not on the loop is equal to the digit on it.
  • The values on columns and rows, read in both directions, make a total of 36 nine-digit numbers. Outside clues show the rank in ascending order among those 36 numbers for the indicated column or row in the direction of the clue. There are no ties in rank.

Online in Sudokupad

See also:

Solution code: The value of the number in rank 18.

Last changed on on 13. February 2025, 21:54

Solved by byeler, bansalsaab, AzureFire, SKORP17, Gullie, bananaenjoyer
Full list


Last changed on 14. February 2025, 20:30

on 13. February 2025, 21:54 by aqjhs
Clarification: digits are used for Dutch Whispers, and values are used for Ranking.

For example, r1c6 and r2c7 will have digits with a difference of 4, but the nine-digit number corresponding to column 6 read from top to bottom starts with the value pointed by r1c6 along the loop, not with the digit on r1c6 itself.

Last changed on 12. February 2025, 14:27

on 12. February 2025, 10:37 by byeler
I completely forgot about the knight's constraint, and, as a result, struggled way too much with this (also the solution code doesn't seem to be working)


oops, looks like i can't count, should be fixed now

on 12. February 2025, 03:48 by roflsalot
I would like to point out that I had no part in the inspiration for this. In fact, I think a world with anti-knight, dutch whispers, and full rank is a hellscape.

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