Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 7. January 2025, 16:22 by Gerhard1963)


This puzzle was inspired by natclass setting a puzzle with a reindeer, where the antlers were also branching thermos.

  • Standard sudoku rules apply: The digits 1 through 9 appear in every row, column, and box.

  • Thermometers: Digits on Thermos are strictly increasing from bulb to tip.

  • Modular lines: Any set of three adjacent digits along a modular line (usually teal in colour) has three different remainders when divided by 3.

  • Kropki pairs: Digits in cells separated by a white dot are consecutive. Not all dots are necessarily given.

My Puzzle Catalogue

Solution code: The digits on the positive diagonal (from bottom left to top right).

Solved by vollbesonderbar, unlogical, Chelo, Joyofrandomness, hurrynot, jalebc, gnidan, Andreas.vm, keenbowl, Kirk Fogg, BBoris, Fizz, SKORP17, damo_89, avsmith, gdc, PinkNickels, Guillem98, softie, zuzanina, ... teuthida, NewManifoldness, Nonio7, The Bard, nicolacroft1, SevenSplitRoad, AllLemons, Lovejoy , lostcause34, slatt490, Vaurien, Leoninus, Omnicole, cozoq, hasti2c, flipping, jjtheplum, Selsted
Full list


on 11. January 2025, 08:25 by xdes
I am quite new to solving, and this puzzle helped me understand the modular line restriction quite well. Great puzzle for fellow beginners, and very pretty board. 5 stars.

on 8. January 2025, 18:37 by Natclass

on 8. January 2025, 15:08 by Ragna
Das hat Spaß gemacht! Dankeschön. :-)

on 8. January 2025, 13:36 by MarthaB
Great puzzle! Thank you.

on 8. January 2025, 11:42 by CurryTrousers
Challenging for a newbie but very satisfying when completed!

on 7. January 2025, 23:04 by amchap
Lovely. Thanks for sharing.

on 7. January 2025, 22:45 by wuc
1.5* to me. Needs some combinations not that easy. Great fun to solve thx.

on 7. January 2025, 21:32 by josemadre
Love it!

on 7. January 2025, 21:24 by softie
Just plain fun

Rating:93 %
Solved:153 times
Observed:4 times

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