Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

X Marks the Sum

(Published on 7. January 2025, 10:02 by randall)

For those of you that like outside clues, but really don't like given digits...


  • Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1-9 exactly once in every row, column, and 3x3 box inside the grid
  • German Whispers: Adjacent numbers along a green line must differ by at least 5
  • Kropki pairs: Numbers separated by a white dot are consecutive. Numbers separated by a black dot are in a 2:1 ratio, meaning one is double the other
  • X-Sums: Numbers outside the grid indicate the sum of the first X digits, where X is the digit in the closest cell to the clue
  • Numbers may not repeat in a cage.

Play this puzzle on SudokuPad

Solution code: Create a single string of digits with no spaces comprising the x-sum clues from (in order) the top row, bottom row (left-to-right), then the left-hand side, and right-hand side (top-down).

Last changed on on 16. January 2025, 19:33

Solved by SeveNateNine, SincereEngineer, by81996672, OutOfMyMindBRB, Chilly, Fra314, Lakritze, jwsinclair, Bankey, marcmees, efnenu, redgecko, juggler, Nada, Felis_Timon, Vodakhan , SKORP17, hollowpineapple, ... SparklePuzzle, trazere, madhupt, mcs131313, cg24, josebastian8, juventino188, Raktor, Uhu, cmoa, goldennumber, OGRussHood, morgannamodeaura, MikeMeech, KlausRG, QuiltyAsCharged, doomedmageknight
Full list


on 27. January 2025, 12:01 by QuiltyAsCharged
Brilliantly designed!

on 16. January 2025, 19:33 by randall
CTC video link

Last changed on 22. January 2025, 21:42

on 15. January 2025, 20:19 by rainingfish
The german whispers seemed to be broken when I attempted playing, not sure if they’re inclusive of the x-sums or not

(randall) I'm not sure what you mean by broken? I've updated the page the include a link to Mark's solve on CTC... hope this helps!

- -
My bad, I think I misinterpreted the ruleset when I initially read it!

on 8. January 2025, 11:24 by ErwinR
I really, really enjoyed this puzzle. Thanks a lot.

on 7. January 2025, 19:28 by LehanLehan
Really nice construction, thank you very much.

on 7. January 2025, 16:58 by marcmees
fun puzzle. Thanks

on 7. January 2025, 16:46 by Bankey
Fun puzzle, but the solution code was tedious to type. Thanks for setting and sharing, @ randall :).

on 7. January 2025, 16:28 by Fra314
I'd love to see this one on CTC, a pretty awesome puzzle!

on 7. January 2025, 14:18 by Chilly
Super smooth solve - enjoyed this one very much.

Rating:90 %
Solved:61 times
Observed:3 times

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