Normal sudoku rules apply (digit in each row/column and highlighted box should contain all digits from 1 to 9). One number around black dot is twice of another number. Both numbers around white dot differs by 1.
There is a path from top-left brown dot to bottom-right brown dot and must include other brown dot (located at row 3 column 7). This path only moves horizontally and vertically. Path cannot visit any cell more than once. Paths starting and ending direction is shown with an arrow. (r1c1 -> r1c2 and r9c8 -> r9c9)
Path can only contain digit 1,3,5 or 7. (Cells having these digits does not necessarily be part of path, but path can contain only these digits).
Solution code: 5th row
on 9. January 2025, 07:16 by ajaytank1
Reducing difficulty level to 3