Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Flight Delays

(Published on 5. January 2025, 07:04 by Pixel_StrengthReal)

This is a DEBUT for a new clue type which I have coined as Skyscraper Thermos.

-Standard Sudoku rules apply
-Killer Cages: Digits in black cages must sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage. Digits may not repeat within a cage.
-Skyscraper Thermos: each cell is the height of a building. the cell in a circle looks along the line and counts how many buildings it can see. tall buildings hide smaller ones behind them. each line works independently from others when counting to a circles sum(e.g r3c9 has a max value of 2, not 4). Digits may repeat along a line if allowed by other rules.
-Look-and-say-cages: For Red Cages, read the clue out loud, doing this describes the nature of the cage. E.g. 1522 says there is “one five and two two(s)” in the cage.
-German Whispers: Adjacent digits on a green line must have a difference of at least 5.

Play on SudokuPad

Solution code: Row 1 followed by row 9

Solved by SeveNateNine, randall, Fizz, gdc, OutOfMyMindBRB, Rearden, dielilla, pepe74287, SKORP17, the_cogito, nunc, Spider, isajo4002, rictech, Visumation, Varkenskop, Postnormal, harwiltz, Phandor, AvonD, ... M8tyw31, Kupais, Wile E. Coyote, Montikulum, cbjenkins, Lazygaga, Tompzini, OJPS, Crul, jlaitio, abihummel, zrbakhtiar, cegie, Carolin, humm42, teuthida, SudokuHero, THef of Time, renegade_duck
Full list


on 5. January 2025, 21:24 by Visumation
Nice. Thanks for shring.

on 5. January 2025, 18:21 by nunc
Thanks for sharing this puzzle. It has a really nice and easy flow, but was still interesting.

on 5. January 2025, 17:54 by SKORP17
ich habe etwas gebraucht, bis ich verstanden habe, dass die Ziffer im Kreis sich selbst nicht sieht.

on 5. January 2025, 11:12 by gdc
Interesting. I've seen the same constraint before from Florian Wortmann: https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=000ICA. He called them skyscraper lines.

I really like that constraint and am happy there is another puzzle using it. Very well done!

on 5. January 2025, 08:49 by Fizz
What a cool new constraint! That was a very fun and awesome puzzle, thanks!

Rating:93 %
Solved:43 times
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