Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Origami (Mad Fold-In)

(Published on 5. January 2025, 05:30 by Sotehr)



Sudoku: Normal Sudoku rules apply; place the digits 1-9 once in every row, column, and 3x3 box.

Mad Mad Fold-In Fold-In: The dashed red lines are folded onto each other so that columns 1, 2, 8 and 9 form a 4x9 grid, rows 1, 2, 8, and 9 form a 9x4 grid, and the intersection of rows 1 and 2 with columns 1 and 2 form a 4x4 grid.

Between Lines: Digits along a gray line ending in circles must be strictly between the digits within the circles (e.g.: if the circled digits are 4 and 7, the only digits available on the line are 5 and 6.) The digits on the line can be in any order, and may repeat when allowed by the other rules.

Arrows: Digits along an arrow sum to the digit in the connected circle.

Expected Difficulty: 3 stars

To help visualize the concept of the Fold-In, I've also created a version that has the regular 9x9 grid, as well as the folded 4x9, 9x4, and 4x4 grids. You can play that version here: Origami - All Grids

A Tribute To Al Jaffee by Gnubeutel
Between Arrows by Gnubeutel
Arrow Alignment by Elytron
We're All Mad Here by gdc
Mad Arrows by gdc
Joined Peas by ChinStrap
Full Folding Frenzy by ThePedallingPianist
Dutch Earthquake by Gnubeutel

Play Origami on SudokuPad.

Solution code: Row 6 of the 9x9 grid, left to right.

Last changed on on 5. January 2025, 16:34

Solved by roflsalot, jalebc, Klvsched, tuturitu, brimmy, ViKingPrime, karlmortenlunna, Vodakhan , Flinty, marcmees, Gnubeutel, Franjo, SKORP17, jkl, giladooshlon, Spider, bananaenjoyer, Chlorophyll, LuanMerlin, gnidan, Natclass, pecha_berrie, Vulajin, aqjhs, Krisonium, palpot, olliwright, ThePedallingPianist, silent492, SparklePuzzle
Full list


on 5. January 2025, 16:34 by Sotehr
Added links to other Mad Fold-In puzzles.

on 5. January 2025, 12:26 by ViKingPrime
I eagerly await the next iteration, the 8-folded grid.

Rating:92 %
Solved:30 times
Observed:4 times

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