Fill the grid with 9 orthogonally connected regions, each containing the digits 1-9.
Digits in a cage cannot repeat and sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage.
Each cage crosses exactly 1 region border.
Solution code: Row 8
on 4. January 2025, 19:03 by Nagesh
@mellowrobinson Once 3 regions are deduced, then the sudoku can be completed without the need to define remaining regions.
on 28. December 2024, 09:52 by Chaka
I haven't done a lot of CC puzzles so far but that one is really outstanding. Thank you for this wonderful gift, mellowrobinson!
on 27. December 2024, 00:33 by mellowrobinson
updated link
on 27. December 2024, 00:23 by frosty_hotboy
I really enjoyed this. Made a small mistake in the regions, but wasn't to hard to fix it. The logic flowed quite nicely.
on 27. December 2024, 00:23 by mellowrobinson
*edited to fix my mistake in the rules*
on 26. December 2024, 23:59 by FischmitFahrrad
Very enjoyable puzzle and a nice ruleset!
I guess you forgot to mention that digits can't repeat in a cage?
Whoops, sorry about that. Thank you!
on 26. December 2024, 23:35 by Virux
One of the best puzzles this week! Good job!
on 26. December 2024, 21:14 by OutOfMyMindBRB
Very nice puzzle. I liked how the cage crossing constraint unfolded - thanks :-)
Eventually i figured out the last move, simple as it was....