Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 18. December 2024, 11:27 by Myxo)

A simple Sudoku I created during a sleepless night. Enjoy!


Sudoku: Place the digits 1-9 exactly once in each row, column and box.

Diagonal: Digits cannot repeat along the indicated diagonal.

Quadruples: Digits in white circles need to appear at least once in the four surrounding cells.

Odd/Even: Grey circles must contain odd digits. Grey squares must contain even digits.


Solution code: column 1

Solved by Fra314, jalebc, Snookerfan, flaemmchen, gxorgx, Mr_tn, TripleABattery, askaksaksask, Lakritze, arteful, SKORP17, Banana, lmdemasi, Paletron, belnovic, Elliott810, briansometimes, Shmartus, Krokant, ... valacd, meatbox, glum_hippo, joelth, sth, Crusader175, W1n5t0n, Ye Nay Myo Han, paranoid, strangelyinsane, steinchen, samjna0049, piyush, Harag, e0lith, vtable, Pixel_StrengthReal, koXx, snowyegret
Full list


on 14. January 2025, 00:57 by Pixel_StrengthReal
new trick in my rulebook now, thanks!

on 31. December 2024, 11:04 by Crusader175
Absolutely brilliant!

on 29. December 2024, 06:38 by glum_hippo
Enjoyed it a lot!

on 29. December 2024, 03:25 by meatbox
I struggled with the break in, got part way before coming back to the comments and that gave me enough info to spot a way forward. Even having that, it took me some time to finish the first part, and then it was a grind to finish. Very happy to have completed - some 3*s I can immediately see I'm not sharp enough to complete, but this one always felt like I could solve ❤️

Last changed on 26. December 2024, 00:40

on 25. December 2024, 11:43 by miranda_9
Sehr, sehr schönes Puzzle. Kurzer Schnellstart - 2,3 Ziffern. Dann kam der Hint mit den Flügeln zum Einsatz - Perspektive wechsel, das ganze von weiter "oben" betrachten - von Links nach Rechts, Oben nach Unten kombinieren..... Danke, war eine Freude zu lösen.

on 19. December 2024, 18:30 by egubachu
Wonderful puzzle! I got the first few digits pretty easily, and after that it was so cool how the whole grid interacted into a glorious breakthrough. Very nice puzzle!

on 19. December 2024, 17:10 by Myxo
Oh, with "simple" I meant the constraints used, not necessarily the difficulty. Although I realise now that most of my Sudokus are "simple" in terms of their rules. Thanks everyone for the kind comments :)

on 19. December 2024, 12:18 by Franjo
Simple?! Not at all. What a pleasure solving this beauty! Thank you very much for not sleeping but creating this gem.

on 18. December 2024, 22:25 by avishai
Such a fun puzzle! The breakthrough was hard and felt so fulfilling to unlock - a real gem of a puzzle, thank you!

on 18. December 2024, 22:17 by sujoyku
Fantastic puzzle! I have given 4 stars for difficulty, but I was in no doubt about how to rate it for beauty. Thank you for this incredible challenge, Myxo!

on 18. December 2024, 20:46 by OGRussHood
The puzzle that gives you wiiings!

on 18. December 2024, 15:24 by askaksaksask
Very well set puzzle. Some fun deductions even after the first few digits fall. Great all-around design. I really enjoyed this

on 18. December 2024, 12:52 by Snookerfan
Very nice! For me the break-in was hard to spot, but I loved it. Thank you

on 18. December 2024, 11:46 by Fra314
Beautiful setting, probably still very hard to extrapolate the right technique if you don't know it, but I don't think you can do better than this.

Rating:94 %
Solved:117 times
Observed:4 times

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