An excuse to come back around to 6-lines again!
- Normal Sudoku rules apply.
- 6-lines - digits along a pink 6-line must differ in value from their neighbor on the line by at least 6.
- German whispers - digits along a green German whisper line must differ in value from their neighbor on the line by at least 5.
- Dutch Whispers - digits along an orange Dutch Whisper line must differ in value from their neighbor on the line by at least 4.
- Palindromes - digits along a gray palindrome line must read the same forwards and backwards.
- XV sums - digits separated by an X must sum to 10; digits separated by a V must sum to 5. No negative constraint.
- Kropki dots - digits separated by a white Kropki dot must have a difference in value of 1; digits separated by a black Kropki dot must have a value ratio of 1:2. No negative constraint.
Solution code: Row 7 digits, left to right.
on 29. December 2024, 22:41 by Lenivaya_Joppa
Thank you for this very nice and colourful puzzle, dear NotSoMagnifique! :)
on 20. December 2024, 01:17 by PinkNickels
Very fun solve! Thank you for sharing with us.
on 17. December 2024, 14:43 by Inge
Very nice puzzle
on 17. December 2024, 14:02 by Ragna
Fun puzzle! Thank you. :-)