This is my response to
Scojo's setting prompt from about a month ago as redeemed by
Ratfinkz, which was simply to use a non-rectangular grid. I was very busy and ill when the prompt was set, but the lateness of my response created a good excuse for me to make an admittedly marginal improvement on
my last attempt to draw Rudolph into a puzzle.
Fillomino: Divide the grid (brown region) into polyominoes and fill every cell with a digit that shows the size of the polyomino to which it belongs. No two polyominoes of the same size may touch orthogonally.
A digit, n, may appear in this puzzle a maximum of ten minus n (10-n) times.
Two cells on opposite orthogonal sides (N/S and W/E) of a cell containing a white dot must contain consecutive digits.
Draw a 5-cell thermometer that begins at the red circle and moves orthogonally through the brown region. Digits on the thermometer must strictly increase from the bulb end (red circle).
Digits separated by "=" are equal, and ">" points from a digit to a lower digit.
Solution code: The tips of the two antlers (i.e. row 1, left to right)
Solved by sarabtx, Franjo, thrutch, Mr_tn, Jesper, SKORP17, Mark Sweep, utsavb, MagnusJosefsson, csilva, TripleABattery, JustinTucker, AsgarArn, karlmortenlunna, Default, aqjhs, Scojo, johnyzzh, gdc, ... stefhoer, helisolver, sth, jessica6, maniacaljackal, vlin, far_above, TJ , mau, saskia-daniela, ImperfectRainn, Duga, SlickDude, luminish, rich_27, nicuber, Taeqle, McMingus, miles, yayitsHannaH
on 19. December 2024, 07:48 by AsgarArn
Intresting and funny, found the breakin a bit harder than the rest
on 17. December 2024, 13:08 by Franjo
Funny little puzzle. Thank you very much for creating and sharing.