Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Swarm

(Published on 14. December 2024, 17:51 by Gerhard1963)

The Swarm

Since my last zipper line puzzle was a while ago, I decided to make another one.

  • Standard sudoku rules apply: The digits 1 through 9 appear in every row, column, and box.

  • Cages: Digits in cages cannot repeat and must sum to the value shown in the upper left corner of the cage.

  • Diagonal: Digits along a marked diagonal cannot repeat.

  • Zipper Lines: Digits equidistant from the center of a purple Zipper Line must sum to the digit in the center of the line. Centers of Zipper Lines are marked by small purple dots.

My Puzzle Catalogue

Solution code: The digits on the negative diagonal (from top left to bottom right).

Solved by jalebc, butch02, RickiFerrara, SKORP17, Joyofrandomness, keenbowl, Bjd, Notlob, pepe74287, PinkNickels, tuturitu, MarthaB, VeTaurus, geronimo92, brandon_bot, avishai, Andrewmi3, strangelyinsane, ... virus_dave, MorsBe, misko, Arne, Nagesh, pollyparrot, Montikulum, katy.lanka, Tinica, Jensa, karlmortenlunna, paranoid, Carolin, timww572, vmirandaa, Lovejoy , Fasdr, Zarlino, chanelaw, Kirra
Full list


on 19. December 2024, 17:01 by ClayLovesLogic

great puzzle Gerhard. Link to my solve

on 16. December 2024, 19:40 by softie
@gdc -- how do you copy from Sudokupad? I found an experimental feature that lets me somehow copy a digit from one cell to another, but it doesn't live on my clipboard where I could bring it into another application.

on 15. December 2024, 21:40 by gdc
Fun little snack. Thanks for using a solution code that is compatible with the SudokuPad copy button!

on 15. December 2024, 21:04 by sujoyku
What a delightful puzzle! Thank you very much for setting and sharing, Gerhard1963!

on 15. December 2024, 10:04 by CFood
this was fantastic! i loved how the zipper lines and cages interacted

Rating:96 %
Solved:107 times
Observed:3 times

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