Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

e m p t y = c h a o s

(Published on 28. December 2024, 06:15 by aqjhs)

  • Divide the grid into ten orthogonally connected regions and place the digits 0 to 9 once each in every row, column and region.
  • Cells marked with a letter will have the same letter if and only if they have the same digit. Only letters from the title are used (shading cells may reveal clues).
  • Cells marked with grey letters are in different regions.
  • Cells marked with arrows show the combined count of all the cells in its region that are seen in the direction of the arrows (including itself). Region borders do not break arrows sight.

Online in Sudokupad

Solution code: Digits on row 2 separated by a dash for each (internal) region border, followed by the corresponding letters for row 9 also separated by dashes for each (internal) region border. (ex. 01-234-567-89empty-chaos)

Last changed on on 13. January 2025, 18:01

Solved by Lorena, redgecko, arteful, Azumagao, Scruffamudda, Calvinball, askaksaksask, han233ing, utsavb, zakkai, earthpuzzles, palpot, Nylimb, SeveNateNine, itweb, Zandi, jsalomon, qoala, brimmy, dogfarts, ... ViKingPrime, swtyree, jkuo7, karlmortenlunna, shteev, roflsalot, Sotehr, numpty, SPring, Nell Gwyn, dustpan, AKropki, Da Letter El, einalem, bananaenjoyer, sapphire, trashghost, Isael, criddlemethis
Full list


on 13. January 2025, 18:01 by aqjhs
added tags

on 5. January 2025, 22:37 by ViKingPrime

on 5. January 2025, 00:13 by nassausolver
Best puzzle of 2024 for me. So good that I was working on it well into 2025... But seriously, beautiful and unique and HARD!

on 2. January 2025, 15:55 by Christounet
Solution code = icing on the cake. Very nice ! Thanks :)

on 30. December 2024, 21:24 by brimmy
ouch! ;-)

on 29. December 2024, 04:39 by askaksaksask
I really enjoyed this chaos build. The hardest part up front was adjusting to the blankness and letting the arrows do the initial talking. The first half is considerably trickier than the second half, though the back half of the solve employs some cool geometry with the arrows. I believe this is probably a 4* puzzle though. Very enjoyable. Thank you!

on 29. December 2024, 02:35 by Calvinball
Such a wild and unique puzzle, glad to have conquered the void.

on 28. December 2024, 16:51 by Lorena
Loved this one, thank you so much!!

Rating:97 %
Solved:54 times
Observed:4 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Meta puzzle Irregular grid

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