Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Rise to the Occasion

(Published on 5. December 2024, 09:48 by MSDOS)

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Normal sudoku rules apply, and all clues are standard.

Anti-Knight: Cells that are a Knight's move apart (in chess) may not contain the same digit.

Killer Cages: Digits in a cage must sum to the value indicated in the top left corner.

Even/Odd: Digits in a grey square are even. Digits in a grey circle are odd.

Play on SudokuPad!

Solution code: Row 2 from left to right (9 digits).

Solved by Piff, Rearden, snuuba, seeppp, Snookerfan, slowbiex, thrutch, EmX68, alexsmart, Nada, jalebc, Gullie, zorant, butch02, Sonki, Ragna, brimmy, kkli, PinkNickels, Jafacake, chillid028, galium_odoratum, ... KatiBru, timww572, rhodri, McMingus, Kigor, Tinica, PeachPie24, Selsted, me and the paws, katy.lanka, simon.tressel, noodlehead, Cialoh, ingull, Zarlino, ManniMensen, Koba, chanelaw, Leoninus
Full list


on 10. December 2024, 23:37 by AlSina
Thank you! Nice puzzle!

on 6. December 2024, 01:31 by the_fow_fow
Very nice puzzle. Been a while since I have been on, so it took a little longer for it to click. When it did though it went beautifully! Thank you.

on 5. December 2024, 17:43 by avishai
Thank you! Very fun. with some fun thoughtful parts to sort out in the middle

on 5. December 2024, 10:46 by snuuba
Really nice flow, thank you

Rating:92 %
Solved:136 times
Observed:4 times

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