Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Leap Frog in the Fog

(Published on 14. December 2024, 00:21 by Jrosas)

Ordinary sudoku and fog of war rules apply. No guessing is required. Before posting a comment claiming the puzzle requires guessing, please view my video of how to solve without guessing:


There are nine cells that show frogs hidden in the fog, one in each row, column, and box. Frog cells contain a set of the digits 1 to 9. Correctly placing a digit will reveal clues including frogs.

Digits in cages that are not in a cell showing a frog sum to the given clue and do not repeat. Digits in frog cells in cages may repeat if allowed by other rules.

Adjacent Digits on green lines differ by at least 5 but green lines “leap frog” any frog cells on the line as though the frog cells were not on the line, so that digits in any two cells adjacent to the same frog cell ignore the frog cell and themselves differ by at least 5.

Purple lines also “leap frog” any frog cells and digits on purple lines that are not in frog cells contain a set of consecutive digits.

Solve on Sven Neumann’s Sudokupad: LEAP FROG

Solution code: Row one left to right no spaces

Last changed on on 3. January 2025, 03:07

Solved by sujoyku, Rheax, avsmith, NotSoMagnifique, raaaaa, arteful, itweb, rkm_sts, raj64107, Targora, jalebc, ole-1995a, Piff, SKORP17, 3ColorTheorem, antzervos, Iluvsodah, lune, heyalaine, rdesmarais2, ... dzamie, sarabtx, teuthida, Sarhik, Friedhelm, dingledork, MattJones, jkuo7, tjomi, Nickyo, Nagesh, zrbakhtiar, Aeneryss, tdeo, AllLemons, abadx, Schneehuhn, Uhu, kapostolou, MaxSmartable, schnitzl
Full list


Last changed on 5. January 2025, 00:05

on 4. January 2025, 21:43 by abadx
Hi, once I watched the video and saw the technique used for disambiguating, I have corrected my rating although in my opinion this is a full 3 star puzzle as technique used is not very straightforward (of course the star rating is an average of all the solver's experience with the puzzle so nothing to say about it)

[Thank you. I, too, rated it 3-star because of the logic at the end. I suspect people guess and rate it “easy.” Thank you for watching my video, too.]

on 3. January 2025, 03:07 by Jrosas
Revised the rules to place my video solve link higher and more prominent after another comment claims guessing is required.

Last changed on 3. January 2025, 03:12

on 3. January 2025, 00:43 by abadx
A bittersweet experience. I found the constraint quite original in a positive way, but I was confused by the setting as sometimes I had no other way to advance than guessing a number (that happened three times in the last part of the game). I still doesn't know if frogs were intended to be seen or not, but without seeing them in advance I had to guess. Perhaps other players had the same feeling and that is the reason of the low rating .

Absolutely no guessing is required. There is a tricky part after 6 of the frogs are located, but there is only one possible way to locate the 9 frogs with different digits. I notice the rating dropped after your comment. Kindly view my solve video and consider raising your rating.

Last changed on 1. February 2025, 17:54

on 18. December 2024, 22:38 by MattJones
I thought this was a lot of fun, with some nice flowing logic. Deserves a higher rating in my view.

on 15. December 2024, 11:40 by whtshername
This puzzle requires no guessing and all frogs are displayed in the grid (turn "background image" on!)

After realizing this it was a nice solve. Thanks

on 14. December 2024, 19:08 by rdesmarais2
1.5* for me. Very fun though. I was surprised how to proceed at times in fun way. Nice setting!

on 14. December 2024, 12:31 by Martina
Nice one. I may have had only lucky hit in Box 5 :-)

on 14. December 2024, 04:17 by NotSoMagnifique
Very fun, although I found some answers completely by accident! A hint for solvers - see if you can figure out the leapfrog positions early on!

Rating:73 %
Solved:66 times
Observed:4 times

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