Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 2. December 2024, 22:11 by ebiggie)


Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1 through 9 in each row, column, and box.

The BEIGE lines are Modular lines (modulo 3). Any set of three sequential cells along a beige line must contain a complete set of residues modulo 3: one digit from (1,4,7), one from (2,5,8), one from (3,6,9).

The LIGHT BLUE line is a Parity line. Digits along a light blue line must alternate between odd and even.

The PURPLE lines are Renban lines. Digits along a purple line must be a set of consecutive digits and they may be in any order.

The GREY lines are Palindrome lines. Digits along a grey line must read the same from both directions.

KILLER CAGES, the sum of the cells in a cage must equal the total given for the cage. Digits in cages do not repeat.

QUADRUPLES, the digits that appear in a white quadruple circle must appear in the surrounding cells.

modified 4DEC2024: added "Sudoku" puzzle tag supporting puzzle type.

Click the Link to Play: Sudokupad

Solution code: Please enter all nine digits from row 2 (left to right)

Last changed on on 4. December 2024, 14:30

Solved by askaksaksask, Iluvsodah, tkrahn98, Joyofrandomness, Fisherman, PinkNickels, teddiemercury, LehanLehan, Postnormal, jalebc, Ploctypus, ffricke, Luigi, jadezki, Casp_p, zonny, TroublesomeOrca, Fishhh, ... Jorava, DLHBin, timww572, abadx, kaw, josemadre, Lovejoy , Gilma, Coufik, Fizz, logik66, renegade_duck, me and the paws, tgstar, bertzz, jcg5a, Zarlino, seven-seas, Omnicole, Vaurien, Leo Nevilo
Full list


on 4. December 2024, 14:30 by ebiggie
modified 4DEC2024: added "Sudoku" puzzle tag supporting puzzle type.

on 4. December 2024, 12:46 by uvo
Please add Sudoku tag.

on 3. December 2024, 00:47 by PinkNickels
Luke, you've switched off your targeting computer!

Last changed on 2. December 2024, 22:32

on 2. December 2024, 22:32 by askaksaksask
I like the TIE fighter design! (That's no moon) Great interactions here too. An easier puzzle, but very fun the whole way through.

Rating:89 %
Solved:92 times
Observed:5 times

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