Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Gimme Shelter

(Published on 29. November 2024, 23:01 by glum_hippo)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Fill each row, column, and 3x3 box with the digits 1-9 once each.

Grey circles indicate odd digits, and grey squares indicate evens.

Values outside the grid are skyscraper clues. Imagine each digit X inside the grid as a building of height X. A skyscraper clue gives the count of digits seen from that vantage point, whereby larger buildings obscure the view of shorter ones behind them.

Sudokupad version, no answer check

Solution code: Row 2, left to right, and Column 7 from top to bottom (18 digits total).

Solved by aqjhs, SXH, by81996672, rameshsrivats, Rickium, lmdemasi, Bjd, Dentones, agueybana, Qodec, jwsinclair, tallcat, dyutin, peterkp, jmw, itweb, zlotnleo, peacherwu2, StefanSch, tuturitu, marcmees, ... roflsalot, gdc, karlmortenlunna, MrBrewer, CHRosenthal, cavarthis, taniabn, MagnusJosefsson, paranoid, konjecture, toshii, salsais, Statistica, Hazem-77, piyush, SirWoezel, bansalsaab, IGoUnseen
Full list


on 2. December 2024, 17:12 by Krokant
Was für eine tolle Skyline. :)

on 1. December 2024, 16:11 by marcmees
Great puzzle. Thanks

on 1. December 2024, 01:56 by glum_hippo
Thank you to rameshsrivats, Tallcat, Qodec, and James! Glad you had fun with it.

on 1. December 2024, 01:08 by tallcat
The parity clues add an interesting twist to the way you have to approach it. Very nice!

on 30. November 2024, 18:30 by jwsinclair
Enjoyed that a lot! The emphasis on parity makes for a really interesting approach to skyscraper logic.

on 30. November 2024, 18:10 by Qodec
Lovely trail of little breadcrumbs. Thanks for sharing!

on 30. November 2024, 04:38 by rameshsrivats
Terrific puzzle. Tough but every step was satisfying

Rating:95 %
Solved:48 times
Observed:4 times

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