Yin Yang
Colour every cell in the grid in one of two colours such that the cells of each colour are orthogonally connected and no 2x2 is entirely one colour.
Divide each line into non-overlapping segments, each of which sums to 9. Digits may repeat within a segment if allowed by the other rules.
Additionally, along each line, each of these segments must all be one colour, and two adjacent segments cannot be the same colour.
Solution code: column 8
on 23. November 2024, 20:44 by yttrio
Fantastic puzzle from the opening logic to the final disambiguation!
on 20. November 2024, 17:46 by MaizeGator
Some very fun and unexpected twists in this puzzle
on 19. November 2024, 17:53 by sacklunch
Baby Dragon is one of my favorite puzzles, and this is a fantastic companion piece! The 8x8 grid and 9-lines work so well together. Absolutely loved it!
on 19. November 2024, 13:45 by Snookerfan
Brilliant! Thank you
on 18. November 2024, 19:23 by Wuschel
That was a lot of fun. Thx!