Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Leaving Las Vegas

(Published on 16. November 2024, 00:13 by SkepticalMario)

Leaving Las Vegas by Skeptical Mario

This is a sequel of sorts to Off Killter; I started this puzzle by inverting all cage and non-cage cells in that puzzle. Unfortunately that didn't lead to a unique or satisfying solve, so I changed some things around. Feel free to try Off Killter first, or watch CTC's solve of it; Leaving Las Vegas is more difficult.


Sudoku - Enter a digit from 1-9 in each cell without repeating in a row, column, or 3x3 box.

Killer cages - Digits in a cage cannot repeat and must sum to the clue in the upper left corner of the cage.

Play the puzzle on Sudokupad

I hope you enjoy the puzzle! :-)

Solution code: Row 5

Solved by PsychedelicCreature, rameshsrivats, Chefofdeath, by81996672, jalebc, bansalsaab, seeppp, sedici, SKORP17, OutOfMyMindBRB, Snookerfan, keenbowl, tallcat, apendleton, Kabuki73, Piatato, tuckerbucket, SamuPiano, pkratz22, Dharmabum, crossoverdoc, OhHeyGuysItsMax, marvellousminty, mezkur7, paranoid, dennischen, AvonD, DerRiese, Da Letter El
Full list


on 18. November 2024, 06:16 by SamuPiano
Fantastic work! This was such a cleverly constructed puzzle!

on 17. November 2024, 19:32 by Piatato

on 16. November 2024, 19:51 by tallcat
Very much enjoyed this (and Off Kilter).

on 16. November 2024, 19:23 by Snookerfan
Great puzzle! Thank you

on 16. November 2024, 03:53 by rameshsrivats

Rating:92 %
Solved:29 times
Observed:4 times

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