Some fields in the diagram must be blackened. All dominoes from 1-1 to 5-5 have to be entered into the remaining fields. Neighboring number fields that belong to different dominoes must contain the same number.
The hints at the boundary indicate the sums of connected digits in the correct order (without a black field in between). In each row and column, either all the clues are given or none at all.
Solution code: The both last rows, S for blackened fields.
on 26. November 2024, 21:22 by jessica6
Durfte ich testlösen, hab mich schwerer getan als nötig.
on 18. November 2024, 19:42 by Playmaker6174
My first official domino solve and even though it took me some time to understand some basics, this was lots of fun! I like that cute ending too :)
on 15. November 2024, 19:26 by Piatato
on 14. November 2024, 14:12 by marcmees
enjoyed the snack. thanks
on 14. November 2024, 10:38 by Christounet
Fun puzzle ! Thanks :)
Solving link if you wish to share it :
@Christounet: Thank you, I made your comment visible.
on 13. November 2024, 22:43 by zuzanina
Vielen Dank nochmal für die tolle GP-Runde und den schönen Wettbewerb am letzten Wochenende! :-)