Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Windows in the Jungle (1983)

(Published on 11. December 2024, 10:00 by burgermason)

by burgermason

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits along arrows must sum to the digit in the bulb.
  • Digits along blue thermometers must either increase or stay the same from bulb to tip.
  • Digits along light-blue lines must have the same sum for each region it enters.
  • Digits along purple lines must be a series of consecutive digits (not necessarily in order).
  • Digits on the Cs are odd.
  • Digits on the squares are even.
  • Digits separated by black dots are in a 1:2 ratio.
  • Adjacent digits along the lighter teal lines must differ by at least 5.
Play Here: SudokuPad
Based on the following

Solution code: Row 9

Last changed on on 11. December 2024, 15:31

Solved by wang, jalebc, lune, Chelo, vorash00, Nickd88, Killer-Ly , Ragna, pepe74287, Joyofrandomness, SKORP17, Notlob, askaksaksask, AvonD, by81996672, Nagesh, alisonsky2, Montikulum, zrbakhtiar, Carolin, chanelaw
Full list


on 11. December 2024, 18:32 by askaksaksask
Wonderfully inspired, and some great interactions among the variants. Fun, classic fare

on 11. December 2024, 15:31 by burgermason
german whispers

on 11. December 2024, 10:20 by vorash00
I’m assuming the greeny tealy lines are German whispers - the rules do not state

Rating:81 %
Solved:21 times
Observed:4 times

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