Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Rainbow Fishes

(Published on 9. November 2024, 02:10 by Evan)


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Renban Lines: Pink lines must contain a consecutive set of digits in any order without repeats.

Region Sum Lines: Box borders divide blue lines in to segments with the same sum.

German Whisper Line: Two connected cells along a green line must have a difference of at least 5.

Dutch Whisper Line: Two connected cells along an orange line must have a difference of at least 4.

Killer Cage: Digits in a cage must sum to the number in the top left corner of that cage and cannot repeat.

Black dots separate two cells with digits in a 1:2 ratio. Not all dots are given.


Solution code: Row 9

Last changed on on 9. November 2024, 03:27

Solved by rictech, Hajuhn, Sherlang, tiuhto, jalebc, paranoid, MontanaPearl, LehanLehan, cg24, strangelyinsane, RickiFerrara, pepe74287, flaemmchen, keenbowl, ark29, Debba, Notlob, zrbakhtiar, Rearden, ... RaketenRalle, Tinica, JayBird, josemadre, timww572, ukodus163, AllLemons, phs, Jane_Lightman, chanelaw, Mup, 333sudoku333, tiredsudoku, ManuH, W1n5t0n, mmhhhh, Tingo, S4K, Prime28, Montikulum
Full list


on 13. February 2025, 06:40 by Montikulum
Very enjoyable puzzle!

on 12. December 2024, 06:15 by Tingo
Very fun - thanks for setting and sharing!

Last changed on 9. November 2024, 20:27

on 9. November 2024, 20:20 by PinkNickels
Awesome setting! Super fun solve. I am colorblind and I initially treated the region sum line in boxes 1-4 as a renban and was quickly convinced the puzzle was broken until i asked my son what color it was lol. thank you for sharing!


I'm glad you had some help haha. Thank you for solving!

- Evan

on 9. November 2024, 08:04 by cg24
it was fun and approchable :) got stuck a little with the renban, but overall it had a nice flow.

Rating:94 %
Solved:133 times
Observed:9 times

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