Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Are Gee Bee?

(Published on 30. November 2024, 10:00 by burgermason)

by burgermason

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits along german whisper lines must differ by 5 or more.
  • Digits in blue cells indicate the cell in that column which contains the digit of the row in which the digit is placed.
  • Digits in red cells indicate the cell in that row which contains the column in which the digit is placed.
Play Here: Sudokupad

Solution code: Box 7

Last changed on -

Solved by vollbesonderbar, AKropki, GrumpyMan, jalebc, pepe74287, efnenu, Titus Adduxas, hige, DarrenBurnett, Killer-Ly , SKORP17, IvoryLinnie, faltenin, Crul, Ungesundheit, Drawoon, mkx, fuxia, rictech, ... Rollo, JSmoove1099, dielilla, Thomster, Lovejoy , dingledork, alexgreyy, Chlorophyll, abadx, ParaNox, josemadre, Supertaster, Lorena, bertzz, ManuH, renegade_duck, WvdWest, bcreturnee, seven-seas
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on 11. January 2025, 19:58 by Lorena
Arangues’ example is correct but they forgot to mention that the first line refers to blue and the second to red. But for this puzzle you don’t even need both.

Last changed on 3. January 2025, 05:18

on 3. January 2025, 05:18 by ParaNox
I agree that an example of how the rules work would be helpful since the German version especially is highly confusing.
Understanding the rules probably took me longer than solving the actual puzzle.

on 8. December 2024, 04:26 by MysticMan
I think the last two rules would be more clearly stated as indexing lines on rows/columns 4, 5, and 6 (check ChinStrap great puzzles using that rule).

on 3. December 2024, 03:32 by arangues
Rule example:
If R2C5 is X, the digit 2 in column 5 is in the Xth row
If R4C6 is Y, the digit 6 in row 4 is in the Yth column

on 3. December 2024, 03:13 by PatMac
Please explain the rows/column red/blue rule

on 3. December 2024, 00:30 by AllLemons
I don't understand the rule about the colours, could you please explain?

on 2. December 2024, 10:31 by Xet
The "digits in red cells/blue cells" rules could do with an example for beginners as me.

on 30. November 2024, 12:50 by hige
That was faster than the 1 star I did before this xD
And I think I didn't even used the red part.

For people with little exposure, one or two examples for the row/column rule would be nice though.

on 30. November 2024, 11:26 by GrumpyMan
A lovely easy puzzle, but only after I worked out the meaning of the last two rules.

Rating:86 %
Solved:96 times
Observed:5 times

Standard puzzle Puzzle variant Variant combination Beginners

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