Triplets IV
(Published on 27. November 2024, 10:00 by burgermason)
by burgermason
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Boxes 1, 5, and 9 contain the same digits in the same position.
- Digits a king's move away from each other cannot be the same.
- Digits in red cells indicate the cell in that row which contains the column in which the digit is placed.
- Digits along thermometers increase from bulb to tip.
Play Here: SudokuPad
Solution code: Box 4
Last changed on -
Solved by SKORP17, arteful, wang, askaksaksask, ZornsLemon, maddestmonarch, paranoid, flaemmchen
on 28. November 2024, 03:55 by askaksaksask
This requires some pretty deep logic to uncrack. Very cerebral miracle-style puzzle, with some surprising elements trickling out from the clone-index interaction. Fun work to break in.