Clean Sweep [Parity Sweepers, Quads, Difference Dots collab with Mathgeek]
(Published on 7. November 2024, 17:06 by Malrog)
Mathgeek and I set this puzzle together as part of a setting competition, and we're very pleased with how it turned out. The rules are long, but hopefully they are intuitive, if you've ever solved a puzzle with quadruples or difference dots. Fun fact, the idea to place parity sweepers on edges and corners came to me as a result of a mis-click when trying to place one in a cell!
Normal sudoku rules apply: place the digits one to nine in every row, column and region without repeats.
All circles are parity sweepers, whose value is the count of odd or even digits in the surrounding area.
- A circle in a cell counts parity in that cell and the (up to eight) surrounding cells. The value in the cell must be the circle value.
- A circle on an edge between two cells counts parity in the (up to six) cells surrounding that edge. The two values in the cells touching the circle must differ by the circle value.
- A circle on a corner between four cells counts parity in those cells. The circle value must appear at least once in those cells.
Solve on SudokuPad.
Solution code: Row 4 digits followed by the values of the three circles between rows 5 and 6, reading left to right (so 12 digits in total).
Solved by MattYDdraig, goodcity, Calesch, SKORP17, Agent, ademjaz, Morolian, bansalsaab, strangelyinsane, damasosos92, cornish-john, mnasti2, SSG, Andrewsarchus, zonka
on 11. November 2024, 20:25 by mnasti2
Love the happy accident, clever twist on sweepers!
on 10. November 2024, 20:14 by damasosos92
Lovely puzzle!
on 8. November 2024, 11:28 by ademjaz
Lovely puzzle, very creative! One of my favourite entries for the competition
on 7. November 2024, 17:42 by MattYDdraig
This was one of the toughest entries in the competition, for me, but was well worth the effort. Some beautiful and original logic.