Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Tenleven Slythera Crimsonite

(Published on 7. November 2024, 11:23 by Prof.Dori)

Tenleven Slythera Crimsonite

I made this puzzle dedicated to my son which is going to turn 1 on the 10th of November, and I thought it would be interesting to create something unique with just the clues that are related to his birthday. This is what I did come up and hope you enjoy it.


Draw four 3x3 boxes in the grid that don't overlap, and fill them with the digits 1-9. Digits can't repeat in a row, column or 3x3 box. Cells that are not in any box are empty, and their value is 0. Digits can't repeat in a cage, and sum to the clue given in the top-leftmost cell of that cage. Draw four snakes, each existing completely inside one of the 3x3 boxes. Each snake is a one cell wide path that only moves orthogonally, and must pass through every cell of its box. Adjacent digits along a snake sum to 10 or 11.


Solution code: Row 2 followed by row 6.

Solved by chameleon, Piff, Mennoo_, efnenu, Starlight, Chad, timotab, SKORP17, Sotehr, roflsalot, AKernel, JustinTucker, zrbakhtiar, marty_sears, bhambells, ThePedallingPianist, paranoid, halakani, jkuo7, ... tome_coelho, Nell Gwyn, OGRussHood, cat, Zorzi, cdowell, Decapod, taide, kapetsch, karlmortenlunna, morgannamodeaura, Sternenregen, Uhu, QuiltyAsCharged, irq, silent492, dustpan, seh_bas, Leilalu222
Full list


on 14. November 2024, 22:11 by cat
Solved with my mom, she said this is genius sudoku. I think so too. Thanks!

on 10. November 2024, 22:42 by teuthida
I needed to abuse the solution check and restart the puzzle three times to understand what can happen on the board, but when I finally understood the basics everything was nice and elegant. Thanks for setting!

Last changed on 8. November 2024, 09:51

on 8. November 2024, 09:50 by marty_sears
Really nice and fresh-feeling construction. Happy birthday to Dorlir's son!

on 7. November 2024, 17:56 by timotab
Super fun puzzle with some very interesting deductions.

Rating:93 %
Solved:70 times
Observed:7 times

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