Solution code: The main diagonals from top left to bottom right, then from top right to bottom left. For each vertex, enter the size of its enclosure, or X if outside the U-Bahn network. For the example, the code would be: 28181X448872
on 22. November 2024, 22:05 by Agent
Crazy puzzle, it seems completely impossible at first, probably the most unique U-Bahn I have solved! A mind-blowing break-in and fantastic finish.
on 19. November 2024, 23:37 by ONeill
a really cool, unique and interesting u-bahn, thanks!
on 18. November 2024, 03:34 by Samish
on a side note, figuring out the key concept for starting is doable without pre-existing maths knowledge, but will be easier solving #4 first
on 18. November 2024, 03:26 by Samish
Absolutely sensationnal and unforgettable puzzle. The break-in and underlying idea is clever and the solve afterwards is flawless, greatly satisfying and keeps bringing more amazing discoveries. Thanks for that masterpiece!
on 17. November 2024, 18:48 by Mark Sweep
Superb puzzle! Enjoying this series a lot, so feel free to keep them coming :)
on 17. November 2024, 15:13 by filuta
very cool and fun puzzle, but I absolutely understand why this has so few solves so far, as the "key concepts" might be considerably harder (but still surely possible) to figure out if you don't have certain mathematical knowledge (with that knowledge the puzzle is more like 3 stars in my opinion).
on 16. November 2024, 21:01 by MagnusJosefsson
Fantastic puzzle! I tested an earlier version for Jesper, but this refined one has even more cool and rewarding challenges that make you question your senses before finally figuring it out. Compared to #2, this one is less about detailed work with the clues and more about figuring out some key concepts. Definitely my favorite in the series!
on 10. November 2024, 22:46 by RJBlarmo
One of the coolest puzzles I've solved in recent memory!