Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Center of Your Universe

(Published on 14. November 2024, 10:00 by burgermason)

by burgermason

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Each digit in column 1 indicates the position of 1 in the same row (that is, if R5C1 is a 6, R5C6 is a 1). The same is true of column 9.
  • Digits along thermometers must strictly increase from bulb to tip.
  • Digits on the heart do not repeat.
  • Digits separated by a black dot are in a ratio of 1:2. No negative constraint.
Play Here: SudokuPad

Solution code: Box 6

Last changed on -

Solved by seeppp, kkli, jalebc, AKropki, Klappa en ko, PinkNickels, agenthans, seh_bas, firespire, Dawn, SKORP17, Sudocorgi, Banana, Carolin, 333sudoku333, Uhu, MontanaPearl, MayorasMask, fuxia, dogfarts, ... Ssolves, juxquiz, Rearden, abadx, Crul, stonetim, Julianl, Raistlen, asii, lordtom, timww572, ManuH, Cezarr, Zarlino, Slumped_5, Drawoon, KingIsulgard, saydo17, josemadre, Montikulum, duckling
Full list


Last changed on 19. November 2024, 15:55

on 19. November 2024, 15:54 by abadx
Good idea messed up with a horrible execution ;(

on 17. November 2024, 10:51 by Nagesh
It's a truly f'd up ❤️

on 16. November 2024, 05:12 by VitP
using just the graphical elements, there is NO thermometer, and there IS a positive diagonal.

Deutsch: Es gibt kein Thermometer hier. Auf der blauen Linie wiederholen sich die Ziffern nicht.

Last changed on 15. November 2024, 08:25

on 15. November 2024, 08:19 by JohnDoeJersey
I don't think this is solvable with the rules as stated. It gets to a point where the only way forward is to assume that digits don't repeat on the positive diagonal, which isn't in the rules. Edit: Or stated differently, without the diagonal rule there are in fact multiple solutions.

In addition, if the thermo bulb is to be deduced by the solver (which is possible with the given rules) I thiink this should be mentioned in the rules to avoid confusion.

on 14. November 2024, 16:32 by firespire
The "disable emoji replacement" option in Sudokupad changes the heart shape but you just have to remember it covers the entire shaded region. I don't know if you are supposed to work out the bulb location but I had read PinkNickels comment and went with that. Smooth sailing for me, thanks.

Last changed on 16. November 2024, 20:43

on 14. November 2024, 14:24 by PinkNickels
For solvers, the bulb in in the middle of the heart and the digits on the diagonal do not repeat. I would rate this a 1* difficulty.

this is true, the bulb is in the middle of the heart

on 14. November 2024, 14:04 by burgermason
is the heart messed up in the sudokupad link?

Rating:72 %
Solved:79 times
Observed:4 times

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