Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

U-Bahn with Fillomino enclosures #1 (8x8 intro puzzle)

(Published on 6. November 2024, 15:45 by Jesper)


U-Bahn: draw a totally connected loop network through the centers of some cells, which may branch or turn, but may not have any dead ends. A clue outside the grid indicates how many times the corresponding line shape (i.e. a cross, branch, straight line, or turn) appears in the corresponding row or column, irrespective of the line shape's rotation.

Fillomino enclosures: a vertex with a number clue N is enclosed by the U-Bahn network. The size of the enclosure is N (i.e. it contains a total of N vertices). An enclosure may contain 0, 1 or multiple clues. Two different orthogonally adjacent enclosures may not have the same size.


Penpa+: Example (7x7)

Sudokupad: Example (7x7)

Note: The example is not as easy as puzzle #1, but considerably easier than puzzles #2 and #3

U-Bahn with Fillomino enclosures #1 (8x8):

Penpa+: U-Bahn with Fillomino enclosures #1 (8x8)

SudokuPad: U-Bahn with Fillomino enclosures #1 (8x8)


Solution code: The main diagonals from top left to bottom right, then from top right to bottom left. For each vertex, enter the size of its enclosure, or X if outside the U-Bahn network. For the example, the code would be: 28181X448872

Solved by Niverio, Morolian, Luigi, Paletron, teff, draftstyle, tuturitu, RJBlarmo, Christounet, marcmees, Piatato, ONeill, nottabird, KNT, MapleAmber, Bellsita, bereolosp, itweb, jkuo7, akamchinjir, Mr_tn, ... Sewerin, pollyparrot, wooferzfg, SudokuExplorer, ChristJan, chrisbee2, sth, AnnaTh, the_cogito, MaizeGator, oskode, filmore, ns08, annaswan, FzFeather, Puzpensu, GTLSE, Chefofdeath, wullemuus, widjo
Full list


Last changed on 11. November 2024, 10:52

on 11. November 2024, 10:51 by wisty
Awesome idea and execution! I found it easy to make false assumptions at the end, but it wasn't too hard to backtrack. I like how U-Bahn's lack of dead ends makes this very intuitive

on 11. November 2024, 02:41 by sfushidahardy
fun puzzle!

on 8. November 2024, 17:41 by hli290772
Nice ruleset

on 8. November 2024, 12:34 by Samish
Quite fun!

on 8. November 2024, 00:01 by Agent
Great combination!

on 6. November 2024, 23:47 by ONeill
Great ruleset and starter puzzle!

on 6. November 2024, 21:40 by Piatato
Two very cool puzzles! Looking forward to seeing what comes next!

on 6. November 2024, 21:33 by RJBlarmo
Very fun! Excited that there is more to come. The example puzzle was quite interesting too.

Last changed on 6. November 2024, 21:38

on 6. November 2024, 21:29 by marcmees
very nice. thanks for starting softly.

on 6. November 2024, 21:13 by Christounet
Awesome ! And if I read correctly, we get to have a #2 and a #3. Looking forward :)

on 6. November 2024, 16:32 by Niverio
Lovely concept, excited and kinda scared of what's coming next :)

Rating:98 %
Solved:58 times
Observed:1 times

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