Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 5. November 2024, 17:22 by burgermason)

by burgermason

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits separated by a V sum to 5. Digits separated by an X sum to 10. There is a negative constraint, but it only applies to the V.
  • Play Here: SudokuPad

Solution code: Row 1

Last changed on -

Solved by 28righthand, Kirk Fogg, atomvic, stonetim, jalebc, Kiwo, Mike_Tengu, Juanfox, chillid028, dielilla, cornuto, AdamPI, SKORP17, r_oder_burg, thek3nger, Cosinus, Ragna, The Bard, vlin, Kenji769, ... tanisho, Malsted, Laje6, moss, Jackdaw, r0the, Nuboj, Boffey, Chilimy, Zenryo, Pforzech, Jastucreudo, flipping, renegade_duck, seven-seas, yusuf17, Felden, pandello, RussKozerski, Montikulum
Full list


on 22. November 2024, 01:51 by Zarlino
7'20" which is pretty fast for me. Very impressed with PinkNickels's time: I doubt I could even type that fast! Nice puzzle, thanks for setting.

on 20. November 2024, 07:33 by PhoenixAki
Only needed the negative constraint once at the very end, fun smooth solve overall (4:38 for me)

on 9. November 2024, 18:02 by ClayLovesLogic

Link to my solve. Great, short, and fun puzzle.

on 6. November 2024, 00:42 by CitrusGremlin
Got to the very end, got confused for a minute and then remembered a rule. Nice puzzle.

on 5. November 2024, 21:55 by PinkNickels
Fun speed run. 3:06 today

Last changed on 6. November 2024, 13:20

on 5. November 2024, 21:06 by Eleder
8 minutes as well!! Very nice, and so fun the use of the negative constraint!!

i sure do love my negative constraints!

on 5. November 2024, 18:41 by Cosinus
short and fun...

on 5. November 2024, 18:04 by Mike_Tengu
Called "89"bcause it took me 8 to 9 minutes lol. Very nice

Rating:86 %
Solved:204 times
Observed:5 times

Standard puzzle Puzzle variant Variant combination Beginners

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