Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

10cc (1973)

(Published on 30. October 2024, 23:38 by burgermason)

By: BurgerMason

  • Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1 through 9 in each empty cell. Digits must not repeat within the same row, column, or box.
  • Adjacent digits along each red german whisper line must have a difference of at least 5.
  • A black dot between cells indicates cell values with a 2:1 ratio. Not all dots are necessarily shown.
  • Digits along the blue thermometer must increase starting from the bulb end.
  • If there is an inequality relation marked between two cells then the digits placed in the cells should obey the relation.
  • Circled digits where four cells meet must be present as values in those four cells.
  • The digits in a cage must sum to the number printed in its corner.
  • Adjacent cells connected with an X must sum to 10.
  • Digits along diagonals pointed to by arrows outside the grid must sum to the number listed.
  • Digits in the yellow circle are odd.
Play Here: SudokuPad

Solution code: The negative diagonal

Last changed on on 31. October 2024, 17:49

Solved by Playmaker6174, SKORP17, ryanprobably, itsid, mezkur7, strangelyinsane, PinkNickels, geronimo92, MaxSmartable, martin1456, jalebc, zrbakhtiar, ikaikaw
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on 31. October 2024, 17:49 by burgermason
digits in the yellow circle are odd

Last changed on 31. October 2024, 16:23

on 31. October 2024, 16:22 by Playmaker6174
Also you should also clarify in this lmd post and in the link that a yellow circle contains an odd digit too.

on 31. October 2024, 16:17 by Playmaker6174
A nice and rather tricky puzzle there. Asking the right questions during certain parts (including the start and that one cage along with cols 4-5-6) was the trickiest parts of the solve, but all came together quite nicely once getting so.

on 31. October 2024, 14:09 by burgermason
sudokupad link now

Last changed on 31. October 2024, 14:43

on 31. October 2024, 12:02 by itsid
okay.. tryed it and it is flawed!
there is an issue on the "1" german whisper
So once you make the base of said one seperate from the stem
and treat those as two different german whispers you should be good or maybe more likely what was intended by the setter connect the bottom stem line (mentally) to one of the ends of its base line.

[short: column 2 row 6 and 7 are NOT five apart!]

I gave up trying to solve it eventually and used the cheat sheet provided by burgermason, and to not spoil you with the solution as well... in case you still want to give it a try... ah well.

oh! i think the sudokulab site got confused and thought that r7c3 was connected to r6c2 instead of r7c2 being connected. will fix!

on 31. October 2024, 07:10 by Playmaker6174
Well, in fact, the puzzle is already broken mid way through. Looks like so many small clues lead this to invalid solve path.

Last changed on 31. October 2024, 12:31

on 31. October 2024, 06:19 by Playmaker6174
Apparently there’s an odd/even rule mentioned in the link, but I don’t seem to see anywhere marked with odd/even clue?
Also, what do the yellow dots mean again? Are they for aesthetics only or are they marked as an odd clue?

The red lines are german whisper lines, and the yellow circles are odd.

on 31. October 2024, 05:45 by fuxia
Try https://sudokumaker.app, it exports the colors correctly.

on 31. October 2024, 01:25 by hardline35
I get a contradiction early on after identifying the German whisper high-lows. I don't think this is solvable.

on 31. October 2024, 00:58 by hardline35
Converted version is missing x clues, and odd clue.

Last changed on 31. October 2024, 01:23

on 31. October 2024, 00:56 by itsid
ah sorry haven't read that you want the colors too...
uhm build the puzzle in fpuzzle and use that for a conversion, perhaps it's a json incompatibility

The slight issue with that is that I am using a school computer to create these puzzles, and the district has blocked fpuzzles. Is there a third, different sudoku puzzle creator that one could use?

on 30. October 2024, 23:38 by burgermason
could someone please convert the sudokulab to sudokupad (again, sorry, when I try to convert it it removes the colors)

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