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Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Set a crossword frame - same letters stand for same digits. Each crossword clue is indicated by a blue number showing the sum of the used digits. Each clue is only used once (i.e. either orthogonally or vertically). Shade the cells that do not belong to the crossword (for clarification only). - The crossword solution obviously uses only 9 different letters. The following clues are in alphabetical order of the answers (in brackets is given the amount of letters/cells for this answer):
(3) Deer holds strait flush out of virtual reality.
(5) Painful expression after final gift.
(2) Sovereign title starts foolish dance.
(6) Drafted king expelled off the rug stopped player.
(3) Black Sea coin found on Pacific islands.
(4) Lack of success, missing note, no one to bait.
(2) Medic bond to resist.
(4) Greek letter to French nobility uncovered.
(3) Mineral cluster a century ago.
(7) Back to the beginning with regard to injury.
(3) No place to lurk a line.
(9) Splendid buffets – low refund.
(4) Literally mightier without a saint.
(5) Might be a barrel, they say?
Solution code: Column 7 from top to bottom - first letters, then digits (18 signs)