Hello. It was really interesting to combine general non-consecutive rule with Renban lines. Hope you like it.
Have a good time solving!
Solve on SudokuPad
Normal Sudoku rules apply. The digits 1 to 9 must be placed in each row, column and 3x3 box without repetition.
Non-consecutive: Orthogonally adjacent cells may not contain consecutive digits.
Thermometers: along thermometers digits increase from the bulb.
Renban lines: Purple lines must contain a set of consecutive digits in any order, without repeats (but not violate general non-consecutive rule)
*Orthogonally adjacent cells mean cells that share an edge
Solution code: Second row, 9 digits left to right.
on 30. October 2024, 19:48 by CurryTrousers
Really enjoyed the challenge of this one - thanks very much!
on 29. October 2024, 14:02 by PinkNickels
Very fun puzzle! Thanks for sharing.
on 29. October 2024, 13:12 by Ragna
Fun puzzle, very nice combination! Thank you. :-)