Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Shade Your Own Puzzle: Fillomino vs Cave ft. Parity #2 (15x15)

(Published on 25. October 2024, 19:00 by Playmaker6174)

And here comes the main serve... For the first part, see this link.

This is rather a risky move of myself here as I've only had about one or two testing attempts for this one so far but oh well, let's see how this goes:


- Shade some cells in the entire grid so that all of the unshaded cells together form an orthogonally connected area, while each group of the shaded cells has to connect to the grid's perimeter.

- In addition, divide the entire grid into smaller regions and enter into each cell a number that's equal to the size of its region (i.e the number of cells in its region). No two regions of the same size can touch each other orthogonally (i.e sharing an edge).

- In the finished solution, every region must be either entirely shaded or entirely unshaded, and the sizes of all of the shaded regions must share the same odd/even parity while the sizes of all of the unshaded regions must share the other odd/even parity. Which parity belongs to which type of shading needs to be deduced.

- A number in a cell with arrow[s] is equal to the combined amount of cells in the indicated direction[s] that share the opposite type of shading (or opposite parity) of that arrow cell.

Puzzle:Penpa plus  -  Sudokupad

Good luck and have fun solving!

Solution code: Enter column 13 (the marked column) from top to bottom, write letter S for each shaded cell and corresponding number for each unshaded cell

Solved by samuel1997, nuzzopa, Jesper, tuturitu, ONeill, Las4one, Tom-dz, Snookerfan, lerroyy, Mr_tn, h5663454, Paletron, Christounet, MagnusJosefsson, jkuo7, ns08, Hazem-77, pkp, swnlmd, swtyree, Sewerin, Silverstep, misko, chien2000gl, XIAOYING, Agent, Lyun Licuss, sth, twobear, LeiZ123321, Piatato
Full list


on 27. February 2025, 14:23 by Piatato
Awesome puzzle! Long and filled with fun logic!

on 24. January 2025, 17:15 by twobear

on 12. January 2025, 15:23 by Agent
Awesome puzzle! Very tricky for me, it took a while to internalize the parity implications, but it was very clever once I understood it.

on 8. November 2024, 11:35 by MagnusJosefsson
Wonderful! Fun and challenging!

on 7. November 2024, 00:25 by Christounet
Brilliant construction ! Loved all the logic coming from the ruleset. Some areas were pretty tough for me, but it got better when I finally became aware of some useful tricks. Thanks :)

on 31. October 2024, 00:07 by lerroyy
Very nice!

on 27. October 2024, 12:38 by Snookerfan
Fantastic puzzle! Took me only 5+ hours. Thank you

on 27. October 2024, 01:49 by ONeill
Excellent! Pretty tough for me but enjoyable nonetheless

on 26. October 2024, 13:54 by Jesper
Awesome puzzle, thanks!

on 26. October 2024, 03:28 by samuel1997
I have no idea why I try this at mid-night, but after 3 hours of struggling, I finally finish this extraordinary puzzle and I could have a nice dream!

Rating:99 %
Solved:31 times
Observed:4 times

Puzzle combination Online solving tool Shading puzzle Dissection puzzle

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