Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

4x8x8 Kombi Experiment Nr. 5

(Published on 21. October 2024, 17:59 by DocLogic)

After my different Kombi-Experiments with 4 puzzles each in 6x6-field-grids I now wrote a fifth bonus version with 8x8 fields. Again you have to solve 4 puzzles: a Hakyuu, a Meander (Winding numbers), a Renban and a Chaos Sudoku.

Attention: Again this time, NONE of the puzzles can be solved without the help of the other puzzles. In every puzzle are 3 colored fields. Same colors mean same figures. Standard rules of every puzzle type apply:

A. Hakyuu: In every field is a figure. In every area with N fields are all figures from 1 – N once each. If there's a figure X more than once in a row or column, then there must be at least X fields with other figures between these fields.

B: Meandering (winding) Numbers: Enter one figure in each field. Every region of N cells contains each number from 1 to N exactly once. Within each region, each figure has to touch its natural neighbors orthogonally (like a "number snake" from 1-N; Example: the 2 must touch the 1 and the 3 orthogonally). Same figures may not be adjacent, not even diagonally.

C: Renban: In every row and every column are the figures from 1 - 8 once each. The figures in an area must be unique and must form a sequence without gaps (e.g. 3,4,5,6), but not necessarily in the natural order (e.g. 4635 is allowed).

D: Chaos Sudoku: In every row, every column and every separated area are the figures from 1 - 8 once each.

Link: click here

Starting help for the logical path (in white letters):

Have a look at the Meandering Numbers and find the digit in the yellow field.

Solution code: the bottom row of Meander and Chaos (from left to right)

Last changed on on 23. October 2024, 19:10

Solved by Playmaker6174, Zzzyxas, janedoe, Ragna, marcmees, drolli38, geronimo92, Nothere, myothername, ildiko, AnnaTh, godoffours, ManuH, softie, Dotty, Nensche777, Teck, misko, jmw, zuzanina, webato, hra2065, Luigi, Someguy77, Katchoo, flaemmchen, cornuto, marsigel, Laje6, Nr.2, Uhu
Full list


on 13. November 2024, 07:38 by hra2065
Was lange währt....

on 22. October 2024, 12:11 by marcmees
very nice. thanks

on 22. October 2024, 07:25 by Ragna

on 21. October 2024, 21:25 by DocLogic
added link to solve online

Last changed on 21. October 2024, 21:26

on 21. October 2024, 21:14 by Playmaker6174
Lovely and very fun puzzle, I was entertained throughout the solve there! For me the renban grid required some more works than others but offered the most info there :)

Also here's a penpa link I created (with no answer check): https://tinyurl.com/2ayo656w

@Playmaker6174: thanks a lot for the link! I added it to the main text body

on 21. October 2024, 19:57 by DocLogic
added starting help in white letters

Rating:96 %
Solved:31 times
Observed:4 times

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