Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Entropy Lockout

(Published on 22. October 2024, 00:01 by Mad-Tyas)


Sudoku: Fill every row, column and marked 3x3 box with the digits 1-9.

Lockout Line: Digits in the diamonds of a Lockout Line must differ by at least 4 and none of the digits along the line can be equal to or between the digits in the diamonds.

XV: Digits in cells connected by a V sum to 5. Digits in cells connected by a X sum to 10. Not all possible V's and X's are necessarily given.

Entropy: Each 2x2 box in the grid has to contain a low digit (1, 2, 3), a middle digit (4, 5, 6) and a high digit (7, 8, 9).

Have fun solving!

Sudoku on:

Solution code: Row 9 (9 digits)

Solved by cornish-john, palpot, ryanprobably, by81996672, Bjd, jalebc, Hierophis69, h5663454, qinqi, Elliott810, bansalsaab, SKORP17, Franjo, Blake Saligia, Dentones, nordloc, Brodie2000, Isael, SXH, lianarox, peterkp, dipiz, itweb, Snookerfan, Default, han233ing, flipout, jmw, zzgsg, wuc, zonka, -Tsigje-, ghosting, wang, NEWS, asver
Full list


on 4. November 2024, 22:34 by wuc
Beatuful puzzle. Had to backtrack twice. Tricky steps along. 4 stars fits my impression. Great fun thx.

on 23. October 2024, 12:04 by Snookerfan
Fabulous puzzle with a superb break-in! As usual a 4 star puzzle from you feels like at least 5, but that is what I like most about them. Thank you

on 22. October 2024, 16:43 by Franjo
Beautiful break-in using two independent steps. Fantastic setting! Thank you very much for creating and sharing another masterpiece.

on 22. October 2024, 02:13 by ryanprobably
Great as always!

Rating:91 %
Solved:36 times
Observed:6 times

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