Another one with the split peas line. Enjoy!
1. Normal sudoku rules apply.
2. The sum of the values of cells on green lines connecting two circles is equal to a concatenation of the two values in the circles, in some order (e.g. 3_346_1 is valid, as 3+4+6=13).
3. Digits on a purple line must form a consecutive digits in any order.
4. A circled digit indicates exactly how many circles contain that digit.
Do have a go!
Link: CTC
Solution code: Column 7
on 29. October 2024, 05:32 by SamuPiano
Very creative use of the split pea lines in this one! I really enjoyed this!
Thank you for the puzzle, Ridhwan!
on 24. October 2024, 15:44 by v8nagrom
This took me 2 days and 3 restart to solve but I'm a beginner and this is my first 3 stars puzzle so really proud of myself :)
on 21. October 2024, 18:56 by Franjo
Wonderful puzzle! I love split peas lines.So it was a pleasure to solve this gem. Thank you very much for creating and sharing.
on 21. October 2024, 18:02 by Snookerfan
Beautiful puzzle! I found the break-in quite hard to spot and I probably found a much harder way than intended, but after that the puzzle became ultra smooth. Thank you
on 21. October 2024, 16:54 by EvaristeLogic
Very fun puzzle!!
on 21. October 2024, 13:03 by Platinum
Loved it
on 21. October 2024, 12:59 by johncj
Great puzzle! Was very proud of myself for solving it. Then I felt bad when it said I used the wrong solution code. But then I realized it was column 7 and not row 7 :)