Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

symmetrical power through the galaxy

(Published on 20. October 2024, 14:24 by mattanV)

symmetrical power through the galaxy

Took me way to long to build this one


1. Normal classic rules apply

2. Normal arrow rules apply. Digits along the arrow must sum to the digit in the circle.

3. Normal odd/even clues apply. digits in filled squares are even and digits in filled circles are odd .

4. galaxies: the entire grid is covered by non overlapping galaxies. Each galaxy is a region of orthogonally connected cells, and must have 180 degree rotational symmetry. Digits CAN repeat in a galaxy but it's size must not be bigger then 9 and the sum of the digits in each galaxy must be lower then N*N (N being the size of the galaxy) except for one galaxy (explained below).

5. white dots are given centers of some galaxies (not all galaxy centers are given).

6. The black dot cannot be a center of a galaxy (not all black dot are given)..

7. The red dot is the center of a galaxy that doesn't obey the rules about the sums of digits in galaxy.

8. Numbers outside the grid show how many borders between galaxies are crossed along their line/column (does not include the outline of the grid)..

link to ctc app to solve online

Hope you have as much fun as I did creating this

Solution code: type line 3 left from right no spaces

Solved by SKORP17, agueybana, zonka, jkuo7
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on 20. October 2024, 15:17 by MaizeGator
I wanted to give this puzzle a chance, but the ruleset is far too complicated and convoluted. I am skeptical that the unconventional rules and exceptions to the rules were necessary for an interesting solve path.

I hope you are not offended by this feedback. I have been thinking lately that we as a community should be more willing to offer constructive criticism whenever we find something unappealing about a puzzle. Such comments on my puzzles have helped me to improve immensely. So, I offer these comments in the spirit of being the change I want to see in the world.

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