Entropic snake
(Published on 19. October 2024, 10:57 by jcgodart)
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Draw a single, non-intersecting line between the two circles that travels orthogonally through the centers of some cells. In every cell it enters, the line must make a 90 degree turn. The line acts as an entropic line : each 3 successive cells along the line must contain a low digit (123), a medium digit (456) and a high digit (789).
- Additionally, the line must enter at least one of the cells touched by each clue : Digits joined by an X sum to 10 ; Digits joined by a V sum to 5 ; Digits joined by a white dot are consecutive.
Play online with Sudoku Pad
Solution code: Digits on the snake in row 6
Solved by Nylimb, LehanLehan, Calesch, Franjo, han233ing, Voidslime, Aradia :3
on 4. November 2024, 23:59 by Aradia :3
I had a really hard time breaking into this puzzle, but the way the 90 degree restraint limited movements was very satisfying to get a feel for.
on 20. October 2024, 11:59 by Franjo
Not easy - I give four stars - but very well constructed. I enjoyed following the meandering path of the entropic line. Thank you very much for creating and sharing this gem.
on 19. October 2024, 13:26 by Nylimb
That was a struggle, and very satisfying to finally solve! Thanks.