Shade Your Own Puzzle: Fillomino vs Cave ft. Parity #1 (8x8)
(Published on 19. October 2024, 10:30 by Playmaker6174)
A project that follows right after the previous two YinYang
hybrid puzzles of mine.
An even bigger version will come out soon after this but for now, here's the smaller one that showcases a few particular types of deduction that I implemented with this rule set combo.
- Shade some cells in the entire grid so that all of the unshaded cells together form an orthogonally connected area, while each group of the shaded cells has to connect to the grid's perimeter.
- In addition, divide the entire grid into smaller regions and enter into each cell a number that's equal to the size of its region (i.e the number of cells in its region). No two regions of the same size can touch each other orthogonally (i.e sharing an edge).
- In the finished solution, every region must be either entirely shaded or entirely unshaded, and the sizes of all of the shaded regions must share the same odd/even parity while the sizes of all of the unshaded regions must share the other odd/even parity. Which parity belongs to which type of shading needs to be deduced.
- A number in a cell with arrow[s] is equal to the
combined amount of cells in the indicated direction[s] that share the
opposite type of shading (or
opposite parity) of that arrow cell.
Small setter note:
The arrow clue from R7C6 wasn't actually needed for a unique solution, but I only added it in for a somewhat smoother transition. Feel free to solve the puzzle without that clue if you'd want to.
Puzzle: Penpa plus -
Good luck and have fun solving!
Solution code: Enter column 6 from top to bottom, write letter S for each shaded cell and corresponding number for each unshaded cell
Last changed on on 25. October 2024, 19:00
Solved by nuzzopa, Snookerfan, tuturitu, Mr_tn, itweb, Jesper, sth, jkuo7, h5663454, MaizeGator, KNT, DVeil, MagnusJosefsson, ONeill, samuel1997, MountBecton, RJBlarmo, jmw, lerroyy, Piatato, Hazem-77, utsavb, Paletron, Grothenlace, Ktt, Elliptical
on 22. October 2024, 12:02 by Piatato
on 21. October 2024, 16:15 by samuel1997
on 21. October 2024, 11:31 by MagnusJosefsson
Fantastic, very enjoyable!
on 20. October 2024, 20:14 by MaizeGator
Surprisingly deep and complex for an 8x8. Felt like the same "trick" was never used twice.
on 20. October 2024, 14:53 by Jesper
Cool, thanks!
on 19. October 2024, 17:30 by Snookerfan
Superb! Thank you