Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 19. October 2024, 17:42 by Kafkapharnaum)

A 99%Sneaky, AnalyticalNinja, Chad and Kafkapharnaum collab


Normal sudoku rules apply: Place the digits 1 to 9 in each row, column, and 3x3 box.
– The sum of the digits along the line connecting the two circles is equal to the sum of the digits in these circles.
– Digits may repeat anywhere on the double arrow if allowed by other rules.
– Adjacent digits along the orange line must have a difference of at least 4.
– Digits may repeat on the orange line if allowed by other rules.
– Digits along the darker blue line connecting the two diamonds must not be between in value nor equal to the digits in these diamonds, which must have a difference of at least 4.
– The 3x3 box borders divide the bright blue line into segments of the same sums.

Play the puzzle on Sudokupad

Solution code: The digits along the negative diagonal from r1c1 to r9c9

Last changed on on 29. October 2024, 15:46

Solved by SKORP17, lune, jalebc, sootierr, zlotnleo, chrisj50, Megalobrainiac, Piff, Elliott810, dennischen, dodo, MattYDdraig, by81996672, bansalsaab, lianarox, 85392, mercierus, Cypher, feethy, JetTong, ... Piterku, The Book Wyrm, DaleVandermeer, ThePedallingPianist, wullemuus, cat, Novisnage, tiredsudoku, Fatwesh, wang, Madoka42, gfoot, darrenfwl, zer0keefie, separovich, asver, earthpuzzles
Full list


Last changed on 11. November 2024, 06:20

on 10. November 2024, 19:31 by wullemuus
Enjoyable coffee-break puzzle with a very smooth solving path!
Happy to receive new feedback from you, and glad you enjoyed the puzzle! Collabs might just be the future for me setting-wise, and in fact, I think you might have missed another collab of mine, called Bodysnatchers. You can find that puzzle in AnalyticalNinja's catalog (link above), where you'll also find tons more of goodies :D

Last changed on 4. November 2024, 22:55

on 4. November 2024, 16:40 by The Book Wyrm
Great puzzle! Very impressive interactions coming from just 4 lines. Interesting and enjoyable puzzle.
Thank you for this excursion, and for the kind words, happy to hear you enjoyed our four-way creation! :D

Last changed on 27. October 2024, 19:07

on 24. October 2024, 07:00 by Krisonium
Came for the region sum line, stayed for the lovely interactions.
Thank you for the solve and kind words, and especially for this feedback -- it's nice to hear that the tags are doing work!

Last changed on 27. October 2024, 19:08

on 21. October 2024, 22:36 by Piatato
Lovely, clever and smooth!
Thank you so much for giving this one a shot, Piatato, thrilled to hear you enjoyed it! :D

Last changed on 27. October 2024, 19:19

on 21. October 2024, 20:10 by feethy
Beautiful puzzle for a beautiful collab! I really enjoyed the break-in and the way different clues interact, well done to all of you!
My guess:
99%Sneaky - Dutch Whisper
AnalyticalNinja - Region Sum Line
Chad - Double Arrow
Kafkapharnaum - Lockout Line
Oh ho, looks like we have a winner here! Congratulations for not only solving the puzzle, but also getting a perfect score on the Guess the Setter minigame. We're not worthy! :D

Last changed on 27. October 2024, 19:12

on 21. October 2024, 01:10 by MattYDdraig
Beautiful puzzle, particularly the break-in.

99% Sneaky - Region Sum Line
Chad - Dutch Whisper
Analytical Ninja - Lockout Line
Kafkapharnaum - Double Arrow
Thanks so much for being so consistently awesome Matt, and for the solve and kind words on our collab puzzle. Looks like your guess was juuust a little off though haha. The answer to the minigame is in the reply to one of the other comments :-)

Last changed on 27. October 2024, 19:21

on 19. October 2024, 22:33 by chrisj50
Lovely break-in & beautifully smooth solve after that. Great to see you all collab and produce a stunning puzzle. My guess at THE WHO’s who of lines?:
A.N. = Double arrows
99% = Region sums
Chad = Dutch whispers
Kafka = Lockout lines
Hehe, we have a musically educated solver here (which I already knew from other series and comments ;-) Thanks so much for the solve and kind words, glad you enjoyed, and thanks also for venturing a guess -- I'm flattered that you correctly identified my clue, however, the rest are a little off XD You can find the answer to the minigame in the reply to one of the other comments!

Rating:98 %
Solved:53 times
Observed:8 times

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