Solution code: The digits along the negative diagonal from r1c1 to r9c9
on 10. November 2024, 19:31 by wullemuus
Enjoyable coffee-break puzzle with a very smooth solving path!
Happy to receive new feedback from you, and glad you enjoyed the puzzle! Collabs might just be the future for me setting-wise, and in fact, I think you might have missed another collab of mine, called Bodysnatchers. You can find that puzzle in AnalyticalNinja's catalog (link above), where you'll also find tons more of goodies :D
on 4. November 2024, 16:40 by The Book Wyrm
Great puzzle! Very impressive interactions coming from just 4 lines. Interesting and enjoyable puzzle.
Thank you for this excursion, and for the kind words, happy to hear you enjoyed our four-way creation! :D
on 24. October 2024, 07:00 by Krisonium
Came for the region sum line, stayed for the lovely interactions.
Thank you for the solve and kind words, and especially for this feedback -- it's nice to hear that the tags are doing work!
on 21. October 2024, 22:36 by Piatato
Lovely, clever and smooth!
Thank you so much for giving this one a shot, Piatato, thrilled to hear you enjoyed it! :D
on 21. October 2024, 20:10 by feethy
Beautiful puzzle for a beautiful collab! I really enjoyed the break-in and the way different clues interact, well done to all of you!
My guess:
99%Sneaky - Dutch Whisper
AnalyticalNinja - Region Sum Line
Chad - Double Arrow
Kafkapharnaum - Lockout Line
Oh ho, looks like we have a winner here! Congratulations for not only solving the puzzle, but also getting a perfect score on the Guess the Setter minigame. We're not worthy! :D
on 21. October 2024, 01:10 by MattYDdraig
Beautiful puzzle, particularly the break-in.
99% Sneaky - Region Sum Line
Chad - Dutch Whisper
Analytical Ninja - Lockout Line
Kafkapharnaum - Double Arrow
Thanks so much for being so consistently awesome Matt, and for the solve and kind words on our collab puzzle. Looks like your guess was juuust a little off though haha. The answer to the minigame is in the reply to one of the other comments :-)
on 19. October 2024, 22:33 by chrisj50
Lovely break-in & beautifully smooth solve after that. Great to see you all collab and produce a stunning puzzle. My guess at THE WHO’s who of lines?:
A.N. = Double arrows
99% = Region sums
Chad = Dutch whispers
Kafka = Lockout lines
Hehe, we have a musically educated solver here (which I already knew from other series and comments ;-) Thanks so much for the solve and kind words, glad you enjoyed, and thanks also for venturing a guess -- I'm flattered that you correctly identified my clue, however, the rest are a little off XD You can find the answer to the minigame in the reply to one of the other comments!