Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Killer Cage Catastrophe 1

(Published on 18. October 2024, 21:36 by Manta-Ray)

Oh no, I tripped and dropped my cages! Now their totals are all mixed up, can you help me?

Normal 6x6 sudoku rules apply. Digits within a cage do NOT sum to the value in the top-left corner of their own cage - instead, they must sum to the total of a different cage. The value they sum to is determined by taking the digit in the cell containing the 'fake' cage total (which determines the row of the 'true' cage total) and the adjacent digit within the cage (which determines the column of the 'true' cage total).

For example, if R1C2 was a 4 and R2C2 was a 3, then the digits in the cage beginning in R1C2 would sum to 8 (which is the cage total given in R4C3).

Digits do not repeat along the marked diagonal.

Solve on SudokuPad

Solution code: Row 5 (left to right)

Last changed on on 18. October 2024, 22:59

Solved by abadx, sujoyku, lzjsy, StevenS, MaizeGator, rysmyth240, gonzalez87, RickiFerrara, paranoid, Fesius, imagle, Megalobrainiac, HazelTheColor, Smartacus, juggler, pepe74287, Piff, fishsaltyak, ... dzamie, Gene The Supreme, OGRussHood, permafrostyx, Dermerlin, teuthida, QuiltyAsCharged, dingledork, marcmees, radium, DerRiese, Raistlen, ManuH, timww572, drifting, Thomster, moss
Full list


on 28. October 2024, 07:05 by QuiltyAsCharged
Nice concept! I hope you do trip again and make an even bigger mess of your cages :)

on 22. October 2024, 15:44 by Gene The Supreme
Cute! If I may offer one minor quibble, it's that determining which cage had which total didn't take very much effort, which felt bad to me as a solver.

Last changed on 22. October 2024, 01:16

on 22. October 2024, 00:34 by dzamie
Nice and simple! Almost too quick a solve; I found myself with a craving for more of this cool ruleset :D


Thanks for solving!! Watch this space…

on 20. October 2024, 14:45 by maiaz
Didn't find this straight forward for a 6x6 - but I think the puzzle rating is undeservedly low.

Last changed on 19. October 2024, 11:17

on 19. October 2024, 09:46 by juggler
Cute idea! Very quick solve for me. While the rules were interesting, some of the clues ended up not being used, which was a bit strange.


Thanks for the feedback! This was honestly more a test of concept than anything, but I thought I should get a feel for people’s thoughts about the ruleset :D

on 18. October 2024, 23:23 by abadx
Easy puzzle, almost trivial

Rating:74 %
Solved:57 times
Observed:5 times

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